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Jisoo you stupid bitch, Why did you trust Taehyung? He's not worth your time!

I've been talking to myself for the past 3 hours, ranting how much I hate him, Suddenly a familiar voice was heard from downstairs, it was not 1 voice but 2

I went downstairs to check what the hell was happening, And what I saw confused me...My dad and mom laughing next to Taehyung,

Taehyung noticed that I've been looking at them for quite a long time like in any minutes I would tear up, "Yes? Jisoo." Taehyung said with a winning voice, how does he know my parents...My dad turned around to see me then smiled, same as my mom...However, I didn't give such an expression, I was confused at the time, so I was looking at
Taehyung; A devil

"Ahh! Jisoo, Your boyfriend is so nice! He even treats us Bulgogi?!?" she says with a proud voice as she walking in my direction, "Eomma, He isn't my boyfriend" I glared at Taehyung and saw him smirking, "Jisoo! You should date Taehyung" Eomma continued, "I never knew I would allow my daughter to have a boyfriend!" his dad grinned, "Thank you so much, Mrs.Kim and Mr.Kim, I'll be sure to date her in the future," he said with his boxy smile

Do my parents like him this much?
But...I hate him

"Thank you so much Taehyung, for letting our daughter stay, GOMAWAYO!" they both said in unison while I just stood there, "No need to thank me, I'll make sure to take care of your Jisoo-shii." He said with a faint smile, Who would fall for such an act.

After a small talk with Taehyung, They decided to already leave, As they were leaving, I saw Taehyung's stern face. "Why would I marry such a slut like you." I heard him mumble, I held my tears since I didn't want to look weak and I knew he would make fun of my cry, so I just ran upstairs processing what happened


Jisoo, slut, rat, I believe it's the same thing, her parents are so nice, why isn't she?

I opened my phone and saw Jisoo, A picture of me and Jisoo when we were at least understanding each other...

I opened my phone and saw Jisoo, A picture of me and Jisoo when we were at least understanding each other

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This girl. She looks so happy, why did she even trust me? Is it because I trusted her? I trusted her smiles, Is it because I thought she was always happy...Kim Jisoo I know she cries every night but why do I still make her life miserable? I fucking love-

A small knock interrupted my thoughts, As I was confused, I didn't know who was knocking, "Come in." I yelled, There, it appeared Jisoo's figure, And she was crying...It felt like somebody has died yet nobody did.

She got on her knees then begged "P-please...You're the one who made my Family happy again, don't disappoint t-them...They love you more than they love you- Just, please! Don't disappoint them" she said with a begging voice which made my heart break into pieces, "Jis-" I was interrupted by once again, her...I don't blame her though, It must be tough

"Jokes apart, please, Make my dad happy, his days are counted, he could die possibly now, while he still has life, H-He loves you Taehyung, Please don't think of me like a slut, I am...n-not" she yelled with a teary voice, I went to kneel and said "His days are counted? I'll make your life worth it. Sorry-" I said before I finished my sentence, she fainted...

I like you, Jisoo

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