𝟎𝟓 | 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏

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"Come at my house then" taehyung smirked at me

"I-" i was about to say i don't want to but on second thought..i wanna see my poster, but..


"wha- Jisoo, is that really you?"


"No it's just because i hate you-"

"I know you do."

"hmm..I guess i'm gonna hate you more"

"Oh honey, don't say that as if i don't hate you as well"

"everyone loves me, i'm a heartthrob"

"Yeah. For sluts"

"Not ashamed?"

"As if."

"i'm hot, nice, popular..In short heartthrob"

"guess i won't come to your house since you're a heartthrob and girls will fight me if they see me with you. "

"Tsk. Fine, sorry"

"oh boy. You always say sorry but you end up bullying me even more"

"you know how to handle it anyway so it's fine"

"Says who?"

"Your dad. "

"wow, stop saying that as if i have one"

"Oh shit sorry i forgot your dad died" he bowed

"Idiot" honestly, my dad was kinda abusive, but i guess i still love him

"Wanna skip school?"

"hell no."

"C'mon, i know you want to."

"Will there be chicken?"


"I'll consider that then."


he dragged me to the school's exit and ran.

I was panting really hard..I don't really run that fast

when i was a kid, i got into a car accident and that made me injure both of my legs, now i'm traumatized

"Please don't run" i said panting, i was so tired, i felt like my legs were about to fall..

"C'mon jisoo, we're almost there"

he ran again, i kept on panting, and panting..until

"Jisoo, we're here."

"i-" i fainted

Tae pov:

"I-" she then fainted? OR DIE??

i tried waking her up "Jisoo, jisoo!"

"Shit..i think i shoud talk her to my house" i carried her on my back and ran.

damn, i keep running

I reached my house, and placed her on my bed.

"where am i?" She woke up after a few minutes

"in my house"

"F-father, don't hit me"

"Jisoo?? I'm taehyung!"

"Please father, it hurts"

"Shit. jisoo what the fuck! It's taehyung"

"Car-" then she immediately fainted again.


A few hours has passed and she is still asleep, Uh..i could feel my eyes getting heavy, i suddenly fell asleep.

Dream pov:

"Taehyung! Car!"

"What? Oh jisoo, you're awake?"

"Yes! Help! We're crashing"



End of pov:

I woke up, What? What time is it. It's morning already? My sleep felt so short

I looked at where jisoo was sleeping, she wasn't there


(I edited this hehe)

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(I edited this hehe)

Where do you think jisoo went? Sorry for not updating yesterday lol.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄 | 𝐯𝐬𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now