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"jisoo, jisoo, heeeeeeey jisoo." Taehyung snapped, "What?" I said in annoyance, "what if I date tzuyu?" He asked me smirking, "She's lesbian" I pointed out then walked away.

But of course, he had to follow me, "taehyung, what is it." I said facing him and cupping his cheeks, looks like our Relationship has been getting improvement, don't get me wrong. I meant the Friend kind of relationship

"Can I invite my friends?" He asked while I was letting go of his cheeks, "this is your house, of course, you can." I said then walked away, taehyung was ready to dial his friends, I sat down on the couch and I decided to watch my favorite TV show Sam and cat

It might sound childish but it's the best, tzuyu watches it with me. After a few minutes, his friends finally came, "hi tae" Jimin said and made his way inside, "oh sooyah, you're still here?" Jimin added then smiled

"Yeah," I said in a happy tone, he immediately hugged me, man. I love this guy! He's so soft. "Hey. Hands off her" a deep voice said in a mad tone, "arrgghh~ Tae! I just want to hug my friend." He shot a funny death glare to taehyung

Taehyung rolled his eyes then left us alone, "go to your friend, Jimin" I said patting his head, he nodded then went to taehyung


I saw Jimin coming inside my room, "hey buddy" he said with his eye smile, "hey" I said with a forced smile "so...when are you gonna tell Jisoo you like her?" He asked closing the door, "Jimin, Why do you even care...I might get cheated on, AGAIN" I said groaning, "Tae, you know that Jisoo isn't that type of girl," he said playfully slapping me, "aish. But what if she is?" I said with a sad tone, "then go back to Irene"


"JIMIN!! YOU KNOW I HATE HE-" I said but I got cut off by Jimin, "shhh she can hear you," he said putting his finger on my lips...

"Isn't it obvious that jisoo likes you?" He continued


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