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"Isn't it obvious that jisoo likes you?" Jimin said

"JIMIN DON'T SAY THAT!" I flinched, "Fine, fine," He said calming me down, "Jisoo will never love her bully! never. NEVER." I yelled which made the furniture shake, "Taehyung, calm!" Jimin said, "No!"


days passed and I still want Haven't asked Jisoo to be my girlfriend, It's now night...approximately 11 o’clock


Taehyung has been acting, WEIRD nowadays...I don't understand? I couldn't sleep because of the birds that are chirping and the cricket that's been in my room for 5 days now...Can't sleep

I decided to get off of my bed and went to taehyung's door, Is he perhaps sleeping already? I knocked on his door and he immediately opened it, "Hello taehyung" I said with a cold voice, "Oh hi soo." he also replied in a cold voice, But deeper than usual with made me quiver, "I can't sleep so-" I said but got cut off by KIM TAEHYUNG "So can't I." He said coldly, I sighed "Can we go for a walk?" I said after sighing

He was a bit hesitant


I was a bit hesitant, "k." I said which made her smile brightly, How can she love her bully? 'don't understand...

Time skip

as we were walking, I noticed that she was shivering I didn't know what to do and just ignored it, I'm not a gentleman myself...

"t-t-t-taehyung, I have a question" Her stutters were the cause of the coldness, "hm?" It seemed colder than the cold breeze, I honestly felt bad but oh well..m

"why have you been distant around me lately?"

She said trying to hold her stutters, I was a bit silent, "Taehyung! I said a-answer me..." She yelled which caused me to flinch, "I -.... I'M JUST YOUR BULLY!" I yelled, I felt dissatisfied with my horrible answer, sorry...

"B-bully?" She said in a deep tone, "YES! Wait...no! It's not like that I just-" I replied in anger, "No! I completely understand...I-... I have to go! See you" she said with a fake smile then ran, I'm so sorry jisoo...

My night persona is KILLING me...


I should've known...He was like this all along, Did he just use me to cure all his problems!?! Fuck it.




It was the following day, In conclusion, the next day...I was feeling a little bit tipsy, however, I didn't drink! At all...

Oh shit! Is Jisoo mad at me?? Damn you Kim taehyung, Whatever...WHY DO I CARE! I WAS RIGHT ANYWAY! I'm just a bully

I walked downstairs and saw Jisoo; a rat sitting on a chair eating some waffles, She would normally make me some too but...There's only 1 plate?

She saw me and stared at me in complete disgust, she took her waffles and stood up, It's either she's annoyed by my appearance or she just wants to be alone, she took her waffles and stoop up, She bumped my shoulder as she was going up the stairs, Normally she would say sorry...I'm so sorry, Soo


Now i know why taehyung has been acting weird lately, He's just a BULLY.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄 | 𝐯𝐬𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now