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"Unnie, how's your project with taehyung?" Tzuyu popped out of nowhere, "Ah. We haven't started yet" I smiled, "You should start soo!" Tzuyu pouted, "It's fine tzuyu. I'm just waiting for taehyung to be nice to me"

She nodded her head and poked my shoulder, "yes tzuyu?" I said in a lazy voice, "Are you interested in singing?" She said, "NO," I said, I don't like singing and tzuyu knows. But you know, the project! "when are you going to be interested?" She said sighing, "never tzuyu. NEVER" I said and we both went into our classroom

I saw taehyung staring at us. "Tzuyu, can we change seats?" I asked, "what? Jisoo no. We always sit this way, it would be different if we change," she said raising her eyebrows, I nodded in shame. I turned back then taehyung was talking to his friends, then he stared at me, we made eye contact. But that didn't last 3 seconds.

I saw a person walking my way, a guy. "J-jisoo, hi I'm suho, please come to the rooftop after school..." The guy, suho? Said. "Ah sure, but may I ask why?" I said in a happy tone, "I have something to confess" he said hesitantly, I saw him turn to the back, he seemed like he's scared. I followed his eyes and saw taehyung giving him death glares.

"Bye jisoo gotta go"

Then he ran as fast as he can.
"Wah unnie! I think he likes you" tzuyu clapped, "Shut it tzuyu. You know I don't like anybody"

• • •

I saw jisoo and tzuyu coming in, my eyes were stuck on jisoo. Her side view. Her hair. And then the thing I like about her the most is her Attitude, her 4D attitude...I love it

I saw her looking at me, it didn't last long. "Yo. Tae! Why do you keep looking at tzuyu?" Jimin said wiggling his eyebrows?

"I'm looking at jisoo."

I said smirking, "ow man. My dude's a man," he said patting my back.

I looked at jisoo one more time, she made eye contact with me but again, it didn't last for long. Then I saw this musty man with straight eyebrows getting near her.

Confess? No.

I heard something about confessing, rooftop you know. Those typical romance movies ugh. Then he stared at me for a slightly longer time, damn. Why don't jisoo look at me like that?..

He looks terrified, I didn't notice that I was giving him death glares. Sorry dude but you deserve it, you're hitting on MY jisoo.

That's it.

After hours of class, I followed jisoo...at first, she was going to tzuyu? Then they were talking about the Confession

Then went to the rooftop, I saw suho waiting for her, wow. What a GENTLEMAN

• • •

I saw suho waiting for me on the rooftop, "jisoo, you're here..." He smiled sweetly, "Yeah, what is it that you want to confess," I said showing my teeth, "first..are you dating taehyung?"

"Oh no. But you can't deny the fact that he is cute" I smiled awkwardly, "anyways, what do you want to confess" I continued, "Can I...be your boyfriend, listen jisoo, I liked you for a long time but It's fine if you don't like me back, you have that kind of chemistry with taehyung..."

Ouch. "suho, I am SO sorry but I don't like you back, but I think you can find a BETTER woman who LIKES you, or even better...Love" I patted his back and hugged him, "You're such an angel...how can Irene hate you" he hugged me back, I smiled, "It's a mystery," I said then waved  "I have to go" I continued, "Bye," he said as if I didn't reject him

As soon as I left I saw taehyung,

"I knew you would reject him."

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