🖤Your Warmth is just like his💛

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Genshin Impact TMF AU

Type: Angst(?)

Two bestfriends who lives in Liyue Harbor. Never apart. They promised that they would never leave each other. They were always on each other's side whenever they're sad. But what happens if one of them left the other one? Not a day, not a month, nor a year

But forever?

No one's POV

"Hey Jake!" a black-haired boy said, calling his peach-haired best friend who is at the Wanmin Restaurant, talking to Chef Xiangling.

"Oh, Hey Sean!" Jake greeted Sean back, with his adorable smile. Sean however always feel his face heat up everytime he sees Jake smile. Ever since they were like 13, he always feel weird when he's around Jake. His heart hurts, but at the same time, it feels nice.

"Thanks for the food! See you next time, Xiangling!" Jake said. "No problem! I'm glad that you liked my cooking!" Xiangling followed. Recently, Jake has starting to like spicy food. He's favorite used to be cheese but now spicy is he's favorite food, especially if it's Xiangling's cooking.

"Hey Sean are you ready to visit Mondstadt now?" Jake asked his best friend. "Y'know it! Let's go!"

Sean's POV

Still walking from Liyue to Mondstadt, it's quite a long walk with monsters along the way but me and Jake tried to avoid them.

Hours later, we were tired so we decided to rest in Wangshu Inn for a bit and ate. Soon after we ate, we went to walk to Mondstadt again.

Suddenly, I had an urge to ask something to him. "Jake, have you ever liked someone?" I asked. "Oh uh- well.. Maybe..." he said while blushing. His blushing was cute but when he said he liked someone, my heart broke in a million pieces but I just pretended I wasn't hurt.

"Oh really? Who's the lucky girl?" I said smirking, like I was teasing him but in reality, I was hurt. "E-eh?! Uhm- uh- well.. This might be weird but it's a boy." Jake answered. A boy huh.. I might have a chance with him! Or maybe not...

We're almost near Mondstadt but hillichurls are still everywhere. I wonder why..

No one's POV



"Jake... I need to tell you something..." Sean said while they stopped. "What is it?" Jake asked confused. "The truth is I-" "SEAN WATCH OUT!" Jake said as he ran around Sean. He made his shield to protect them from something until Sean realized that they were being attacked by monsters. Suddenly a big hillichurl(I forgot what they're called sorry lmao) attacked them with it's big axe, breaking the shield that Jake made.

Sean is helping Jake fight the monsters with his Cryo vision while Jake is fighting with his Geo vision.

While fighting, one of the hillichurls with it's crossbow about to shoot Sean but instead of Sean getting hit someone blocked it from getting Sean to be hitted.

It was Jake who blocked it.

The crossbow was hitted right at Jake's stomach, blood flowing from it. Sean eyes widen as he finished killing all of the hillichurls. He ran towards Jake who was lying on the ground.

"JAKE! NO NO PLEASE STAY STRONG!" Sean said while tears are flowing from his eyes. Sean suddenly remembered that there's a famous healer in Mondstadt, they were quite near Mondstadt so maybe he can still reach and get Jake healed! He carried Jake in a bridal style.

He was tired but he doesn't want to stop from running. He doesn't want to loose Jake, he needs Jake.

"Jake we're almost there! Hang on!" Sean screamed while tears are flowing, he was tired, so tired but he wants Jake to survive. He's the only one who can always make him happy. He's always been so depressed when he's always home, his parents are always fighting and his parents always get mad at him.

"Sean I don't think I can make it... please rest you need it.. ." Jake said, weakly with his usual smile. "Jake don't say that! We can make it!" Sean cried. "No, I won't but please before I go I just wanted to let you that...

I love you..." Jake said before closing his eyes.


It was too late Jake is already asleep, forever, there in Sean's arms..


"Jake.. no.. why.. Why did you break our promise...?" Sean said weakly. "I-"


"I was about to say I love you too..."
Jake was buried behind the Cathedral of Mondstadt. Sean still can't get over his bestfriend's death. Now that Jake is buried in Mondstadt, he now lives in Mondstadt visiting his bestfriend's grave everyday.
Years passed

There he was, Sean Everett. Who is now a cold-hearted person. Avoiding everyone who comes in the way, always drinking, always gets into a fight. How he has changed ever since his loved one died.

The boy who was a sweet, outgoing, and kind-hearted boy, is now cold-hearted, bitter, and an introverted person. Where ever he goes, he always has the vision of his dead friend.

He has friends though. Hailey, Luke, and Zander but that didn't changed him from what he is now.

Weeks later, Sean heard the news that Luke and Zander are dating. "Congratulations guys! I'm happy for both of you.." Sean said in a sad tone. "Sean.."

"Sean, I know you miss him.." Hailey said, worried. "Sean if you need someone to talk to we're here." Luke said, holding Zander's hand.

Sean's eyes widen while tears fell on his face.

"I need to go somewhere, be right back!" he said as he ran.

Sean went through Jake's grave, again.

"Hey Jake..."

"How are you doing?"


"Hey, y'know.. My friends Luke and Zander started dating... Which I hope how we are now..." Sean cried.

"Jake... I really miss you..." he said as he cried more and more.

Seconds later

He felt someone hug him from behind, it was cold that made him shiver a little bit but when he turned around there was no one there.


"Jake was that you..?" Sean asked.


"If so... I really needed it.. Thank you..."
"I feel really bad for him... He visits here like everyday just imagining himself talking to his bestfriend..." Barbara thought while looking at Sean, worried.
"If I just didn't stop this wouldn't happen..." Sean said, wiping his tears but they just flowed and flowed.
"Please don't blame yourself for what happened... It's not your fault..." Someone said from behind. Sean turned around.

"Oh it's just you." Sean said, in a cold voice. "I just wanted to comfort you.." the person said. "Ms. Barbara, please leave me alone.. I don't need your comfort, nor anyone. Only Jake's comfort."

"But he's dea-"


He felt arms around him, it was Barbara's. He wanted to stop her but until he felt her warmth. It's so warm just like Jake's hugs when he was alive. Sean just cried and hugged her back. He then whispered to her

"You're warmth is just like his"

A/N: Not me crying at this even tho it's not that sad👹

Also just a reminder that none of this is canon in the actual AU

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