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Side ship: Drew x Liam(Driam)

C/TW: Swearing‼️


It's finally Christmas!

The whole club decided to celebrate a Christmas party at Jake's home, including his homies! :D

Jake's friends and The Music club have already forgiven each other... Except for Hailey and Drew, they still don't trust each other. They're more like frienemies than enemies.

"Hey guys, wanna play truth or dare?" Milly asked. It's her all time favorite game actually. She likes it because she always uses it to tease her friends' about their crushes.

"Milly we played that fucking game many times." Zander said, frustrated. "C'mon! PLEASEEEE??"

"Fine but this is the last time I'm joining this stupid game!"

"Hey this game is not stupid it's fucking fun!" Milly screamed. And then the fighting went on.

"Are they always like this?" Liam asked Jake. "Yeah they're always like this." Jake sighed.


As the two fight Jake saw a certain black-haired boy, alone, looking sad and depressed. He looks Iike he's thinking of something..

Jake stood up and went to his friend. "Hey Sean, you okay? You look down.. Is there something wrong?" Jake asked, putting his hand on Sean's shoulder. Sean got startled by the sudden action of his friend, "O-oh Jake fine don't worry! I was just thinking..." Sean answered, face getting red.

"What were you thinking about?" Jake asked. "I-i was j-just thinking about... My.. C-crush..."

For some reason Jake felt his heart shatter into pieces after hearing that. He liked Sean so much yet here he is telling him that he has a crush.

"O-oh! I s-see.. Then.. Why do you look so depressed earlier?"

"Oh! So you saw me hehe.. I was just imagining if.. What if they reject me.." Sean answered.

"What?! No that's impossible! You're an awesome guy! How can they not like you?" Jake said as he smiled, trying his best to stay positive.

"Hehe.. Thanks for cheering me up Jake.. You're an awesome guy too..." Sean smiled as Jake's heart flutter.

"No problem, Sean! If you still wanna talk about them we should go to the balcony since it's quiet here and the two here are screaming so loud at each other." Jake said as he sighed.

Sean chuckled and agrees as they went to the balcony.

With the Jomies

"OH MY GOD WHEN THE FUCK WILL THEY STOP SCREAMING!" Drew complained. "Let's just go to Jake's balcony since it's quiet there.." Liam said. "I think I saw Jake and the.. DJ? I think? Went to the balcony." Henry followed.

"Yo how about we see what they're up too?" Henry also said.

(Henry is a marites not clickbait🙁🙁🙁‼️‼️)

They all agreed and went to the balcony, as expected, the oblivious idiots are there.

"Can you describe me the person you like?"

"Well.. They're awesome, has good taste on music, they also like singing and sometimes cocky but I kinda found it cute to be honest." Sean answered. "Ah.. I see.."

"They sound like they're talking about that DJ's crush... And the description of his crush.."


Sake/Jean One-shots | Requests: Closed for now | by: • Søphia PÏNKZZ •Where stories live. Discover now