STAY (26)

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It was October now, a whole three months since Olivia had last seen the dark Italian and she couldn't believe how agonizingly slow the time had seemed to go by. She had wanted to see him more and more since their agreement to become friends and take things slow until she had finally graduated at least. They had met a couple of times since their agreement and each meeting had been better than the last. Marcio had given her the normalcy of a slow-budding romance she had never experienced before and she could feel herself smile adoringly every time she thought of him but she didn't want to get carried away and swept up in the overwhelming whirlwind of feelings that had begun overtaking her at the very thought of the prior mentioned man.  

Her eyes closed as a small sigh left her lips, the heavy book in her hand shook as she leaned forward in her wooden chair with a soft screech to grasp her hot chocolate. Taking a sip instantly warmed her body in the rapidly cooling temperatures of the Australian winter. With the intent of jumping back into the fictional world of Charlotte Bronte, Olivia began opening the book to her marked page but the scrape of the chair in front of her alerted her of another presence and she peered up from her thick lashes to find a pretty young woman, her long braids draped over her right shoulder and her overarching brows as she peered at her with an accusatory glare.

"Okay so you're definitely not coming to the mid-term party tonight?" the mocha-skinned woman shot Olivia an exasperated look. 

Olivia smiled at the woman who she had quickly begun considering as the only friend she had at her University. "Jade, you know that's not really my scene," she answered with an indulgent smile. 

"Fine but I hope you realize you're wasting your time away reading and studying when you should be partying!" she mock-sighed before leaning forward and planting a soft peck on her cheek and ambling towards the counter to order her own drink.

Olivia let out a soft laugh at her childish antics before immersing herself in the gothic masterpiece in her hands. 


The alcohol buzzed through his veins as his hands wrapped around the blonde's throat. Her arms were bound to the bedpost and her face contorted into an expression of pure ecstasy as he continued railing into her. His eyes were screwed shut in an effort to blur the image of the unnamed woman beneath him and instead imagine the lithe body of the one woman he couldn't get out of his head. 

"Olivia!" Alexander roared his release, his hand tightening on the woman's throat as she choked out her third orgasm of the night. 

He pulled himself off her body and looked down at her, finally registering that he was in fact not with the one he had been dreaming about, merely someone who somewhat resembled her which had led him to pick her up from that bar he seemed to frequent recently.

He grunted out his frustration as the dark feeling of hopelessness began filling his chest once again. The reprieve offered by alcohol and sex was only transient and not being able to touch, feel or talk to Olivia had left him but a shell of what he once was. Their distance though had made him begin thinking, was what he used to be really what he wanted to be if it led to Olivia begging him to leave her alone? He couldn't have cared less if her parents had been the reason for their separation, Olivia was a legal adult and he would've swept her away with or without their permission but the issue wasn't that her parents didn't approve anymore it was that Olivia didn't want him around which fucked with him beyond belief.

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