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Alexander couldn't help but let his mind wander back to the picturesque scene he had witnessed that very morning; the spicy yet utterly mouth-watering aromas had mantled him entirely as he had taken in the petite angel moving around gracefully in his shirt causing a set of warm currents to flow down to his groin. He couldn't believe how much that image appealed to him and thinking about the fact that the young woman fitted so perfectly in his home brought about a smile to his face but then gradually the word young registered in his mind and his smile too eventually vanished.

He began thinking; was he mayhap doing the wrong thing? Was he, in fact, exploiting the girl for her youth or was he actually attracted to her because of what he observed in her disposition and not only her winsome or for a more accurate word, youthful, beauty? Their fourteen-year age gap hadn't seemed so daunting the night before but now as he began contemplating the situation in depth. His head was a whirlwind of overwhelming thoughts when suddenly the immaculate, glass doors of his castle-like office were knocked on, interrupting his reverie. "Come in!" he grunted and instantly, regretted his decision. "Who the fuck let you in?" he growled out with abhorrence.

"I am allowed to be here as much as you, after all, everything you have is half of my mine dear husband," the ethereal auburn-haired beauty replied with an arrogant tone. 

"Are you seriously that deluded?" Alexander inquired with a wry smile, "You and I both know that you won't be getting a single penny from my fortune because of our prenup. Your lawyers have told you the same thing so I have no fucking idea why you stroll in here like you own anything at all." he finished with a tired sigh.

Looking up at her, he realized that her azure eyes, slightly lighter than his, were filled with tears as she shook her head in defeat. "I still don't know what I did wrong! Why are you trying to divorce me? I thought you loved me?" she sobbed out. 

Alexander shot her a dark look, sick of her sentiments. Deep in his heart, he knew for a fact that she had not been the one in the wrong rather it was him, it was because of that sickening night when he had come home from the dingy dinner across his office and witnessed the new, nineteen-year-old addition to his staff preoccupied with one of the mere interns at his building in the process realizing that he, in fact, did not appreciate the fact that they were alone nor the fact that the bastard was looking her up and down like a piece of meat.

"Leave Evelyn!" he growled out as the broken-hearted beauty nodded in submission and pivoted around before ambling out. Alexander let out a frustrated breath but didn't have much time to think over the situation as the very nineteen-year-old he had been musing about earlier in the morning wobbled due to her evident clumsy trait right outside his door. He let a small amused smile paint over his lips as he granted permission for Olivia to enter. 

"Um I brought you your coffee sir," she mumbled bashfully before taking tiny steps towards his desk and placing the steaming cup on top of it; she had begun moving away when suddenly his large, calloused hand engulfed her tiny frame and pulled her onto his lap causing a surprised squeal to emitted from her belly.

He let out a gruff chuckle afore planting a soft peck on her ear instantly making her submit to his hold and snuggling into his chest. "Can I ask you something Xander?" she muttered addressing with the novel endearment she had chosen and Alexander somehow found that he didn't hate it when in retrospect, the notion of nicknames didn't quite appeal to him, he now found her's ambrosial. 

He grunted in approval, "who was that woman that came into your office earlier?" she asked and suddenly felt his frame turn rigid, she regretted her question so much at the moment. 

"Do not ever ask me about her again," he replied tersely and Olivia only nodded in defeated acquiescence.

"Come with me next week," he suggested sensing the distressed aura mantling her.

Her ears perked up in an instant and she adjusted around his lap so that she was now facing him, "where?" she questioned curiously with an excited glimmer in her eyes.

"My recreational cabin up on the local mountains; I usually go up for hunting there as a stress reliever," he replied nonchalantly, flipping through a manila folder.

Olivia tilted her head a little to get a slight glance at his ruggedly handsome face and she could clearly picture a vivid image of his dominant aura as he hunted through the forest like some primal alpha male and couldn't stop the rush of warmth that shot down to her core. "I'd love too but I don't know how my parents will concede..." she began but was cut off.

"I'll deal with that, just say yes," he said firmly and Olivia couldn't help but nod in agreement as his hypnotic, azure eyes bore into mine. She nodded a slow yes, still very much engrossed in the beauty of the man in front of her.

"Perfect, we leave the next weekend so start packing," he announced in a somewhat dismissal tone, returning his complete attention back to the folder in his hands. Olivia shot him an indignant glare and a dejected pout that he missed. With that, she climbed off his lap she scurried out of his office back to her station. 

As Olivia got back to her monotonous chore of sorting through a series of official documents she couldn't stop herself from thinking, that week with him in the cabin was going to be an interesting week for sure.

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