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Olivia was struck by her aunt's best friend's beauty the first time she saw her at the airport; it was also with a weird sense of deja-vu she began feeling as if she had seen her before somewhere but just couldn't bring herself to remember where exactly. In the end, she gave up trying to remember as she was sure if she had indeed seen the distinctively beautiful woman anywhere she wouldn't have forgotten her at all. 

The women had huddled together comforting Holly for a good hour or so when they arrived back at the hospital for a good hour or so before the primary physician working on Tom had advised that they leave for their home for a good night's rest as it was already quiet dark and the surgery would go on well into the next day. 

Holly begrudgingly agreed upon incessant insistence from her best friend and her sister. Olivia remained rather closed off throughout the ride home, feeling uncannily discomforted by the pleasant redhead's presence but she couldn't explain just why that was.

Dinner was a fairly simple affair as the women enjoyed takeaway from a Chinese restaurant, chatting a bit, her mother and Evelyn engrossed in their own talk as Olivia moved around the noodles on her plate. "Looking at you one would think your husband was in an accident," Holly joked a little, noticing her niece's odd behaviour all the while relaxing considerably after a reassuring call from the hospital about Tom's recovery. 

"Hey!" Olivia responded, playfully offended.  

"But seriously, what's up? You seem so dulled out, I hope it's not because of your uncle, I have enough reasons to beat his ass from his drinking to his reckless driving I don't want to have to add worrying my precious niece in as well," she 'bopped' her nose in the process.

"I admit I was very worried about Uncle Tom but after the call from the hospital, I believe we all were comforted a bit -"

"so then what's going on?" 

Olivia's dull expression morphed into one of cautious deliberation as she leaned over to her aunt, "I just feel kind of uncomfortable around Evelyn" she whispered.

Holly's brow scrunched up as she gave her niece an incredulous look, "well that can be easily rectified," she stated before calling out Evelyn. "Eve, did you know that my niece started interning at a petrochemical firm?" 

At the mention of this fact Evelyn turned all her attention towards Olivia which made the younger woman blush, "Is that right, you know my husband works at a petrochemical firm as well," she replied with a small amiable smile.

"Whoa really, Which company does he work at? I might know it since I'm interning at one of the largest firms in the state and we're in contact with most of the other ones in the country," Olivia retorted, Finally feeling a little at ease. 

"Actually he's the founder and owner of-" 

Evelyn was cut off by the sudden sharp 'ring' of the home telephone.

Holly rushed over to the phone and picked it up with a look of trepidation, she communicated with someone on the other side for a few moments before hanging up and facing the expectant crowd.

"It was just the hospital confirming that everything is going well," 

Everyone nodded their heads in assurance and with that, the conversation ceased as 'good nights' chorused across the room before they all retired to their designated rooms for the night. 

Simultaneously, on the other side of the country, Alexander lay in his bed with an irritated scowl, dark navy blue sheets draped across his bare chest as he stared at the offending message on his phone from his Livy that informed him that she was headed away to her aunt's in fucking Australia. 

He threw the phone to the other side of his king-sized bed and covered his eyes with his forearm, his jaw clenched. He remained in the same position for a little over five minutes before he gave up on his sulky attempt at sleep and reached for his phone.

'When will you be back?' 

'IDK yet...' 

'Are you mad?'

'you know I didn't do this on purpose right?'

'Of course, I know that and no I'm not mad.' he lied.

'good...I miss you,'

A stupid smile made its way up to his face as a picture of a pouting Olivia in one of his shirts popped up in front of him. He didn't know she had taken that particular shirt off his but he couldn't deny the hot spark of supreme satisfaction that ran through him at the thought of a claim on her even when she was miles away. 

'I miss you too.'

With his mind made up he opened his call log and scrolled down through his business contacts till finally, he came across the one he was looking for, Livy. 

Olivia was startled out of her reverie of Alexander when a sudden vibration of her phone reverberated throughout her body. A quick scan of the caller ID caused a huge smile to cover her lips. 

"Hello lover," she breathed out in what she was hoping was a sultry tone.

A husky chuckle came through the line, "Is that how you will be addressing me now?"

"No, not really, you're still Xander to me..." she began, "but if you'd like me to call you something else like maybe," she paused, "daddy? I'd be down," she joked but when she heard his sharp intake of breath resonated within her ears, she realized that her Xander might be into it. "so daddy..." she started again before he cut her off.

"Don't" his sharp voice intercepted. She felt a little disheartened by his response, perhaps she'd offended him somehow. She was just about to apologize when he continued, "I want you to call me exactly that when you're beneath me, not now," he groaned out.

A soft, pleasing giggle escaped her throat as she buried her face into her pillow, her heart beating wildly in her chest at the images conjured in her head. 

"Go to sleep baby girl and make sure you come back to me soon," he murmured.

She let out a blissful sigh, "I'll be back before you know it. Goodnight Xander," she whispered, wanting so badly to end with an 'I love you' but held herself back as the phone call clicked shut. 

She was praying that her Uncle Tom would wake up tomorrow, primarily for the happiness of her aunt and the safety of her uncle but also because she wanted to be back in Alexander's arms as soon as possible.

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