2nd Vlog 19:12 Day 177

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Second part of historical project during our flight.

Since I started this project I believe a lot of you want to know more details on the changes that happened on our Earth. I thought of explaining how we tried solving climate change and got it under control.

It started happening when I was still in school. Our own planet was creating an environmental holocaust to get rid of human race. We had zero chances of survival through the climate change but humans have one rather peculiar trait – if something wants to take away our power over our lives or is trying to kill us we will give in our everything to make it stop. Kill it if necessary.

So, we tried to get our planet from its self-destructing spiral. We succeeded.

We started with turning off coal-powered power plants and started building nuclear power plants and solar power plants in Sahara. We got electricity distributed to every corner of the world.

We used the technology we already had to take back land from deserts like Sahara. We took the specially made nets to get soil back. We planted numerous fields and started cleaning up our waters. In some parts of the world it went smoother than in others but it doesn't matter as we achieved something that was never achieved before – end of the world's hunger.

We cleaned up our oceans and got rid of most plastic. It was a process that took about a decade to get done. We found a special kind of fungus that loves to eat it. We took all the thrash and put them on one island for the fungus to eat through. We switched back to paper, glass, and reusable degradable plastic.

We decided to try and collect the heat and use it for our advantages. We started planting more trees, tried to bring back Amazon forest little by little. We grew our food on inhabitable parts of our planet since we got them back from deserts etc. We used the heat we collected with our technology to grow our food. We decided to start eating more locally-produced food which saved the planet quite a lot of gases. We still ate meat and veggies from across the world sometimes but they were transferred to our tables via electric boats and planes.

We created giant machines that took water on the poles and turned it in ice. We kept them there for a long time since we had to reduce the sea levels and we had to build more ice on the ice caps to reduce the warming of the oceans and the planet. In a few years we doubled the ice on our poles and got back the polar bears and penguins to live peacefully.

We also started killing mindfully like Canada started quite some time ago with crabs. We always looked over the crabs, fish... if they have young or are carrying their young. If they did we put them back into the sea, lake or river. Since we started doing this our oceans are full of live and we cannot overhunt. There is more life in waters than there was for a long time.

With genetic engineering we managed to get back the species that were endangered or even extinct. We brought back to life whales, elephants, Tasmanian devil and so on. We tried to accommodate the still existing animals.

Looking back, we managed to reduce the climate change and get the temperatures and sea levels under control. We created machines that caught CO2 and other greenhouse gases. I helped writing the code for the machines since we then used the CO2 to power our greenhouses we used to grow our food in. For this invention we got a lot of prizes but we didn't care about them. We did it for our future generations and planet. Not for some stupid badge.

We managed to do what should have been done a long time ago. We saved the planet, but at what price? We don't know yet.

As we finished with all these inventions we actually started turning our eyes back to the sky and wishing we could fly and touch the stars. Our scientists decided to try getting to understand how to curve time and space since these are the two dimensions we can travel through the easiest. Well, it took them a few weeks of a lot of coffee and no sleep to find it out.

We had to look at everything like it's pure energy, it's not material or solid. It's just energy in the universe. So we just have to send the energy from one place of the universe to the other! But how the heck to control it? Yeah, that's a mystery to everyone as well. Somehow we can control it and not blow up the ship every time we use the dimensional jump if we concentrate that energy in a tree that grows right in the middle of the ship. Weird but efficient.

But governments did not exactly like the method the scientists proposed. Then came the aliens and invited us to the first Galactic Council humanity can attend. We of course accepted and the tree-concentrating-energy spaceships were miraculously given a thumbs up from the government.

This is why I am on this spaceship being bored to death and talking about history.


Elizabeth Goodall logging out.

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