3rd Vlog 17:45 Day 201

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Hello again!

I wrote rather briefly about the changes we made on Earth last time. I believe I should explain them in a bit more detail – well at least some of them I didn't explain a lot or I know how to.

Our dear planet showed us we aren't in charge, she is, so we should humble ourselves. As we – or better; our ancestors – didn't listen she showed what she is capable of. Maybe you are old enough to remember 2019-2021. Pandemic, floods, ice caps melting, oceans rising, no drinking water you name it. But that was just the beginning.

As you know we were changing the climate so much that permafrost started melting so even more greenhouse gases were released in the atmosphere. We released bacteria and viruses that have been trapped in ice for thousands of years and now they were roaming free once again. It's an understatement to say we were unprepared. We were dying quicker and quicker till there was only four billion of us left. More than half of the population gone. We barely were able to bury everyone. It was horrible.

Most of people who survived these things were young people with good immune systems. Don't misunderstand me – we were inventing more and more vaccines quickly but we weren't able to keep up with all the viruses and bacteria and their mutations. People who survived were now immune to the diseases. Unfortunately, most of the older generations were wiped out though we tried to protect them, but we were unsuccessful. We were vaccinating all new-borns after so many pandemics over a span of a few years. Yes, vaccinations are mandatory to preserve humanity and not spread a new variation of a bacteria or virus.

With so little people surviving we needed less food so we were able to reverse the deforestation in Amazonia, have enough drinking water and land for everyone. To be honest the cities were looking so empty for like twenty years before our population grew back to about six billion (and we keep it around this number).

What we learnt from this crisis was that we were lost without a healthy Earth. So we got back to the basics. We decided to demolish all nuclear weapons and use their peaks for nuclear power plants that made our electricity almost free and accessible to everyone. Yes, we also learnt how to make even better nuclear power plants so there won't be any accidents like Chernobyl. We created almost indestructible walls around the reactor's core to prevent any spills if anything ever happens.

We also decided to end deforestation and create plantation of trees like they have in Finland. We found out it's more sustainable to cut trees once every generation for new paper. Though we recycled most of our paper it's still good to have some wood growing to make paper at one time in the future.

We also decided to let our wild life go back to the wilderness. We destroyed the zoos since they were not necessary nor kind to the animals. We trusted the Natives and forest experts to deal with wildlife since they kept the populations healthy and only took what we needed from it. We did not abandon projects like the restoring facilities for pandas that China was running since they were keeping the population alive. We actually created more of them for different endangered species. We restored most of them to the point they were no longer endangered and on the verge of extinction.

If anyone was wondering; yes, we still eat meat. We still eat milk products, honey... but we did reduce our consumption of things we can only get halfway across the world. We did build a lot of greenhouses we powered with sun, the nuclear electricity and caught CO2.

We also focused on eating locally and ethnically produced meat rather than abandoning a big part of our diet. I mean, if you want to go vegan or vegetarian we gave you alternatives, but we didn't just turn vegan. We also decided we can only eat ethnically gotten meat. Which means we gave livestock somewhere to hide before storms, rain, wind, gave them as painless and happy life as possible and then a quick painless death that wasn't connected with panic or fear.

A lot of people were against it but our communities were not having it about how it was bad to believe in painless death as animals should be killed according to some holy scripts. I am not trying to belittle religions but most people agreed with the "western" idea of painless deaths of livestock. Organised religions actually gave up shortly after since they realized people cared more about their planet and living conditions than following scripts to the letter.

We abolished death sentences but we didn't abolish the life sentences since we still have some bad guys roaming the streets. But with raising the living standards of everyone and making things accessible to everyone the crime rates went down and most prisons were abandoned over the years. We turned them into houses for people who weren't able to get any kind of housing.

We managed to create a bit of a heaven on this blue marble in the void.

Our blue peaceful marble.

Elizabeth Goodall logging out.

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