7th Vlog 17:35 Day 311

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Hello again!

I can happily inform you that we are almost at our destination! Finally, after so many days. I can't wait till we land so I can go out of this ship. It works too perfectly so it was a pretty boring ride with almost no repairs. The only things that are breaking this monotone state of our travel are the Space Roomba Knifey (named that for an obvious reason) and Friday evenings when we get to bake cookies or cake and have a party in the ship's kitchen. Yes, we usually end up white from the flour but it's a nice way to start the weekend. If you can call it that.

As of the Parliament; I am thrilled to meet the all the other diplomats from all the different species in the Parliament. Maybe we can even make some friends with younger representatives of said species! Oh, maybe a game of Space Monopoly! I am super excited about all of this and I can barely sit and write these things down!

The others on the ship; especially the head diplomats are already nervous, shaking, nervously going through their notes and speeches, frantically ironing their suits even though we will be in our atmospheric ones since this planet does not have the conditions our bodies could handle so I really don't get why the fuss but if that makes them calmer... Meanwhile the less important ones, like me, are here enjoying the last days on this ship before the landing. We will be on the meeting as well but there are no speeches prepared for us or anything to do except stand next to the head ambassadors and look pretty.

Apart from this news I believe I was talking about our time on I.S.S. 2.0? I believe I told you all the important things about it. Hmmm, maybe some specifics about the ship and the engine? I doubt fusion and black matter theory are really of interest to you since this are history vlogs.

Oh, I know! I can tell you about those four years of my time on ISS2.0! But about what was happening beneath us back on our beautiful blue marble. To be honest we didn't have access to the outer news and what we got was censored by our teachers but they shouldn't have brought the smartest kids on the world to one place with very weak firewalls in the system and believe we won't crack it in a few months so we could watch world's news from our school tablets we all protected with our own security system.

During the time of our training Earth tried to produce as many space ships as possible, space travelling boomed as an industry. We got the reappearance of hippies but they did not travel with those small cute vans anymore but rather on spaceships. Hitchhiking from one ships to another, earning food with small repairs and helping around. We got some space travellers to whom we sacrificed a few ships and sent them towards different uninhabited planets that were suitable for our life forms so they could explore them and create new colonies. Most of these travellers hated the idea of modern technology and jobs so they decided to go there without most technology except for the one on ships and simple transponders. They were kept in peace to sing their songs and play their ukulele in paradises they created for themselves. No harm in that. I would probably become one of the explorers if it wasn't for the school.

In the first two years of my schooling the first ever colony was established on a planet outside our solar system. From there we spread and infected many planets (a space joke referring to the old memes). One of the many pros of travelling through space was no aging effect since we were travelling with the speed of light and were curving time and space to our wishes as I explained in earlier vlogs. As one travels with the speed of light the time gets to zero and it doesn't run so you don't age. But the slower you go the faster time goes. It's actually truly fascinating when you grasp this concept. Like there is a speed at which time just completely stops running. I still can't comprehend it completely even though we were travelling with it for so long. Even on this journey we used it quite a lot till we didn't get to the place where the effects of the solar system were small enough to make a time-and-space jump to the nearest safest location around the planet we should meet the Parliament on.

Back to the storyline. As the first human explorers safely landed on the first planet outside of our solar system we cheered and clapped in the class. Our teacher had a hard time calming us down as we were so happy we, as a specie, will go out and explore the space we always longed to see. For millennia we were looking into the space and wishing for wings to fly towards it. And now, finally, we got those wings and flew right towards it. We were no longer stuck in our solar system, we had bigger chances of survival as a specie and more to explore as so many of us dreamt about. Curiosity is a trait that we cannot unlearn.

I wish I could have been there. Stepping out of that ship on a completely undiscovered planet, looking into the bright sky smiling towards where I thought home was. Exploring the smallest of things and creating a new colony. Villages full of gardens and small houses. I wish I could live like that somewhere. Forgotten by the universe, knitting in my chair and drinking tea. But I know that people like me were needed for the progress of humanity as a whole. So I did my best and became a part in that big machine we humans call society. Sometimes dreams come after the sacrifices. I wish I could make my life different but I cannot. At least I will have stories to tell my grandkids when I return to Earth and I become old.

I probably look really sentimental right now, but to be honest as I am excited so I'm homesick. I am happy almost half of this journey is done as I cannot express how much I miss our little planet. To feel the grass between my toes, to feel soil beneath my fingers while gardening, to see the blue sky with clouds watching over me. To see the family dog running in circles trying to catch its tail. I miss my family – even though we weren't the closest I couldn't even say goodbye before starting this journey. I miss the warmth of the sun on my face while reading a book with our cat on my lap.

I really wish we had a cat on board right now as I need something to snuggle with to bed. Maybe I can catch another colleague and drag them in my quarters. Who knows.

Today I am, as you can see, a mess of emotions and could hardly think straight so excuse me for such an emotional vlog with so little information about Earth. Goodnight my dear travellers.

Elizabeth Goodall logging out.

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