5th Vlog 19:21 Day 255

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Last time I finished my history report rather quickly as I ran out of time. Something in the engine room needed immediate repairs.

I believe it would be good to talk about the events during those seven days and what led to our decision to join the Parliament.

As soon as the alien spaceship left our atmosphere a few hydrogen-powered jets flew to Luxembourg where the conference was held. All the presidents, scientists, humanists, astronomers, everyone important was there discussing what to do. They were very keen of joining the Parliament but their opinions differentiated under which conditions shall we join them.

They agreed they want the protection of the Parliament and their help with developing technology but refused to agree on their reign over us. We wanted to rule our planet and colonies still. There were some arguments about our trust in aliens as we are a cautious specie and you have to earn our trust. It was seven days of hell for the people in charge as our future was in their hands.

They were also concerned about how much aliens already know and what should we tell them. If they don't know anything before the year two thousand, should we tell them? Should we tell them about Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, Stalin and so many others? Napoleon and Alexander the Great? America? Slavery? What do they already know? They knew about us killing each other but to what extent? Our history isn't something we are proud of. Do they know about holocaust? Extinction of so many species because of us? Our insatiable thirst for blood that runs through our veins? Something we can hardly control sometimes? Something so deeply encoded in our genetics? How much do they actually know about us? What do they know?

For the first time humanity was scared for its future because of its past.

On the last day they hold many votes. Should we join the Parliament? Should we tell them about our past if they don't know about it? Should we share everything we know with them? What are we comfortable sharing and what shall we keep for ourselves? So many questions, so many different opinions. It was hard to follow because of the sheer number of the decisions they had to make in such a short time. But we knew it was better that way than to dive in without any preparations. We are a cautious specie. We will always evaluate the danger and revaluate the benefits compared to our losses.

On the seventh day when aliens came back we had our answer to their question and also many conditions. The meeting with aliens was long. Diplomats were sitting in circle with aliens and talking with them for hours. Whatever was said during time was agreed upon by aliens. I will be honest; I did not watch the entire thing. It was literally like seven hours long meeting. And it started at like two in the morning.

At the end aliens were allowed to access our internet, our libraries, our history, everything. And we were able to access their knowledge of space travel, agriculture, everything. It helped us greatly with building our new spaceships which we were building with rapid speed. With their knowledge it was easier to better the dark matter engines and creating spaceships durable enough to fly with a speed greater than the speed of light. This is something we were trying to figure out for years but were unsuccessful. Their knowledge and advice helped us greatly to perfect them.

They helped us a lot over the years. Even when we decided to build a colony of sort on moon Europa as the last stop before going to outer space. It was a colony with about five thousand inhabitants which could easily accept about twenty cargo ships and ten spaceships for transport of people.

It was the last stop our ships made before continuing their journey. After they left the gravitational field of Jupiter they were far enough from everything to make the space-time jump. Before that point we had to travel without jumping as it was too dangerous. We could drag some part of a planet with us and it would destroy the ship during the jump. It's actually terrifying to see that in real life. It was on a video of an early spaceship attempting one of the first dimensional jumps we had to watch in school. When you see the stone in the middle of the ship and how the ship collapses around it, crushing everyone inside. But we learnt from our mistakes and found the way.

We also opened facilities for travel, where we prepared humans for space travel on different spaceships of different species, since not all species were used to our gravity or our size.

Those facilities filled up so quickly as so many humans wanted to go space travelling. It was almost like a hippie movement of the twenty-first century. Though no more weed to smoke, now we smoke snake flowers brought by a specie similar to us who also enjoyed a drug or two. We at least have somebody to share our alcohol with. The diplomatic events with them went much smoother because of it.

Anyway I wanted to mention (at the very end, I know) that we also created technology that made a fake sun possible. It was created by some scientists who realized we don't get enough sunlight if we live on Europa or any other planet in the solar system, since they are too far away from the sun. It looks like a small ball, maybe a meter in diameter. They let it loose around the celestial body where we were stationed and turned it on after it started orbiting the said body. It works on principals of fusion of black matter and photons to create light similar to the one that we get from the sun. Truly fascinating! I tried studying it and understanding how it works but I couldn't understand anything after the third paragraph. It is rather confusing and fascinating. Ask a scientist or two how they did it because I have no idea.

Now the present begins.

Elizabeth Goodall logging out.

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