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Hello guys so I'm posting again today (got 6 shots + the vaccine) anyways yea let's start

Giyuu POV

I woke up feeling like as if someone was watching me I ignored it and began to try and go to sleep but I couldn't I looked over to the window to see it opened I got up to close it and then after I closed it I locked the window and went back over to the bed and lied down on the bed/futon and while I was drifting off to sleep I saw someone by the foot of the bed I quickly shot up and looked at the person and started to reach for something since I didn't have sword with me I noticed quickly the person moved over to me and pinned me on the bed and before I could say anything they covered my mouth and I didn't have enough time to grab anything to try and protect myself soon I started to feel dizzy he let out some kind of smell I could tell this person was a male but that didn't matter all I knew was that they wanted me for something but I don't know what for tho

The next morning

Shinobu POV

While I was going to Tomioka-san room and then I noticed that the door was opened a bit so I opened it all the way and he was gone it looked like someone attacked him but had trouble some of the stuff in the room was knocked over some glass was broken and worse of all their was blood

I began asking the others if they saw him or if he was in reahabitation training but he wasn't he missing I started to panic and so did some of the others  I saw a little girl walking by kanao and ask her something (A/N: Sierra is here)

Sierra POV

I was told to stay with Tanjiro and nezuko I liked hanging out with them they are fun but I miss my onii-chan he is fun and I like to play with him
"Excuse me Tanjiro sir?" I said getting his attention I looked at him a bit sad since onii-chan wasn't here  "yes?" He said looking at me with a soft smile "when is onii-chan coming back he has been gong for a long time." I said almost on the verge of crying my eyes out "oh he is just doing some training ok"  Tanjiro said still smiling softly at me


Still Sierra POV
I decided to ask someone else who may know after I found someone I asked "do you know where  my onii-chan is?" The girl looked at me then I saw her hairpin she is one of the butterfly girls "Who is your onii-chan?" She asked me a bit concerned "Giyuu Tomioka" I replied smiling at her I noticed her face expression changed "giyuu-san is missing we can't fi d him but if we do then I will tell you"

'Onii-chan is missing but onii-chan is strong how could he just go


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