meet you again....

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Hello so this chapter is based off the manga so let's start

Giyuu POV

The demons began to attack us and the fight was very hard and difficult but soon the demons were both defeated then we found out where the upper ranks were located at but Muzan kibustuji had attacked the master and killed him his wife and his eldest daughter and one of the youngest daughters the only ubuyashiki's left was his son and his other two daughters they had (idk what those paper things are called ok) and they had them on the crows so we can know what is happening at all times and where the demon are located I was informed there was a demon nearby and then that's when I met him again... The demon from that day... Upper rank 3 Akaza..... "It's nice seeing you again so where is kyojuro? Oh right he's dead!" He than began to laugh and then he tried to attack me I dodged the attack and then I saw someone use water breathing ______ form _____  I didn't attack him it was tanjiro he looked furious the demon laughed as he regenerated quickly and then he began to try and fight the both of us he punched me making me fly back into a bunch of room landing on my back and the room looked confusing I then got up and began to rush back to where I was I saw the demon about to punch tanjiro and kill him I quickly cut his arm off and coughed out a pit of blood "That wasn't to much of a bad punch... But it wasn't that strong to keep me from getting back up..." I said this time making him pissed he then yelled "WELL THEN HOW ABOUT YOU BECOME A DEMON WATER HASHIRA WE CAN TRAIN AND YOU CAN LEAVE THIS USELESS RAT AND BECOME MORE STRONGER" I didn't think twice and attacked him slashing him on his chest and then cutting his arms tanjiro yelled at him and he turned all of his attention to him they both began to fight bit then he ended his own life with his own attack....

Akaza POV

I attacked myself with my own attack as I was turning into ashes I saw a beautiful women standing in front of me crying she was pale yet beautiful she was happy to see me and then it hit me I knew this she was the love of my life the women who I wished to live the rest of my life with before o became a demon she hated the loud sounds of the fireworks she was here standing in front of me I began to cry as o hugged her back I held onto not wanting to leave her side ever again "Koyuki...." I said with a soft voice"I'm glad I was able to you again...

Sorry it is short but that is all for now I hope you enjoyed this short chapter anyways sayonara goodnight/good morning/good evening

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