Chapter 6 - Satanic Diaphragm

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"You guys..... You guys are a band?"The owner of the restaurant looked at us, lowering his sunglasses and looking at all of us, gazing up and down.  

"Yeah...." Kat responded. "We're a band...."

"And you guys are called 'Through Clear Eyes'"?


The owner sighed. "Alright.  You guys got the gig."

We all looked at each other and smiled. Brody and Kat shouted "YES!" while Katy quickly hugged me out of happiness. I just stood there, grinning a goofy grin.

"Alright. When is it?" I ask.

"This Saturday, fella." The owner responded.

"Alright. Thanks. But wait..... That's tomorrow!"

We all walked out of the office, still happy that we got the gig but stressed that it's fucking TOMORROW. Reasons why we took up the gig though. We needed money. We were low on food........ and condoms.........  Taking a gig also gives us practice for the real deal. We had the skills and the band. All that was missing was the audience. Now we had one. It could up our confidence. Now we were deciding what we should do for our gig.

"Cover or original, guys?" Kat said.

"I'd be comfortable doing a cover of something I know." I said. 

"I'm fine with either." Brody said.

"Bananaaaaaaaaaa." Katy quickly blurted out. 

We all looked at her and laughed.

"Wait guys. I know what song we should cover." I say as a devilish grin grows across my face.

"Luci, I swear to God if it's Gay Bar......" Kat said. 

"It's not Gay Bar! I swear!" I say, laughing. "We should do.... Psychosocial...."

"I've learned the Bass line to it. No problem." Kat responded. 

Brody looked down at his hands. "Well fuck......" 

"What would I do? I obviously don't sound like Corey Taylor. Far from it." Katy said. 

"Good question." Kat said. 

"Hmmmmm..... I dunno...." I said. 

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Brody said. 

"Alright. So I'm guessing Brody and I are singing if we're doing Psychosocial?" I said. 

"Well, yeah." Kat said. "You're the one who's got the Corey Scream."

"I can't yell, man. You and I both know that. I'll stick to the Melodic's, thank you very much." Brody says. 

Katy just shrugs.

"Alright. So do we rehearse or how do we do it?" I say.

"Luci, damnit. You heard the guy. It's tomorrow NIGHT! It's like. Completely necessary to rehearse if we want the damn money!" Kat said. 

"Alright, alright....." I said.

Turns out. We didn't rehearse. Fast forward to.... an hour before the show. We're backstage.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK! WE DIDN'T REHEARSE, DAMNIT!" Kat said, running around, extremely stressed. 

The owner comes up to us. "You guys ready?" 

Kat yells at him "NO!" 

"Perfect, you've guys got 45 till' stage time." The owner says, unfazed by Kat's clear panic. 

Brody grabs Kat by the shoulders. "Kat. We're gonna do awesome. Calm down!" Katy runs up to Kat and says goofily "BANANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" 

I tie my bandana around my face and turn my head to the others. "C'mon guys! We've gotta gear up!"

Everyone hastily starts putting their Band clothes on. The owner came back.

"20 till' stage." 

We head to the stage and start setting our instruments up. I piece together my drum kit and put on my band clothes. The others are setting up their gear except Katy who is spinning around, saying in a singy-song voice "Battle Cats, Battle Cats"

"5 till' stage" The owner called.

We finished setting up right on time. The curtains parted while the stagelights turned on. Who knew a restaurant had a legit stage? Brody approached the microphone, guitar in both hands. 

"We are Through Clear Eyes. Tonight, we'll be doing a cover of Slipknot's Psy-"

"HEY!" A voice yelled from the audience. 

"Yes ma'am?" Brody asked.

"Why is that long haired guy wearing a bandana?" The voice asked. 

"Miss, nobody actually knows. Even we don't know. Now. Hopefully, without any furth-"

"YOU'RE KINDA CUTE!" Another voice called out.

"....... Anyway. We'll be doing a cover of Slipknot's Psychosocial." Brody stops talking and turns and nods to me. I nod back and click my drumsticks in time. 1, 2, 3.

(I'm gonna skip the whole musical part because it's extremely difficult for me to explain all that's going on. Apologies but just imagine it turned out near perfect so fast forward to me hitting the last note)

I looked up from my drum kit, amazed that I successfully did it. It was fucking sick. Silence filled the room then a suddenly wave of applause and loud whooping emerged from the crowd. I got up from my stool and walked over to Brody and Kat who were smiling intensively.

"We did it?" Brody asked. 

"WE FUCKING DID IT!" Kat screamed in pure joy. 

"WOO!" I screamed along with. 

Katy ran from backstage and hugattacked me. 

"You. Were. So. Hot up there on stage." She said, looking at me.

We all gave her an odd look and she let go and pranced away, singing "Battle Cats, Battle Cats."

"That was fucking awesome." Brody exclaimed. 

We started to pack up our gear. 

"Our first gig was a totally success!" Kat said. 

"Man, you guy were pretty kickass out there!" I said. Brody clicked shut his Guitar case. 

"Not as kickass as you, man!" He said. "Man, your legs. So fuckin' fast!" Brody said as he imitated me doing a double bass roll. I laughed.

"ALL of us were kickass." I said. "No point in arguing."

I finished packing my drums and we headed out of the restaurant. The owner approached Brody. 

"250 big ones, my man." He said and handed Brody $250.

"Thanks!" We all exclaimed. 

We got to the van and put our instruments into the back. I got into the driver's seat as Brody and Kat got into the backseat.   

"Wait guys......" Kat said.

"What?" Brody and I asked.

"Where's Katy?" Kat said. All of the sudden, a loud "BANANAAAAAAAAAA!" came from the back of the van. We all looked at Katy who was taking a nap in the back. She was sleeptalking, apparently. We all laughed.

That was a fan-fucking-tastic night. Everyone was happy.

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