Chapter 7- "well fuck"

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<<Kat'S POV>>

That was the best gig ever. Even though it was our only gig ever. Oh well, whatever.

"What are we gonna do with 250 bucks?" I ask.

"BUY MORE FUCKING FOOD, MAYBE?!" Katy shouts. Usually she gets irritable when she's hungry.

"SOMEBODY GET THIS GIRL A SNICKER'S BAR!" I yell out to nobody in particular.

"Hardy har harr," Katy mutters sarcastically.

"And more condoms...." Jared says quietly as we exit the restaurant. The guy who hired us to play the gig was kind enough as the owner of the restaurant to provide us with free dinners of whatever, so at least we don't have to worry about tonight for food.

"Fuck the condoms," I say.

"Why? Wait... Wait, where's Brody?" Jared asks.

"I do not know," I say. "Nor do I care."

"Whoa, did you just say that you didn't care?! You, Kat, just said that you did not care," Katy gasps. I sigh.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say.

"Then I'll tell them." I jump at the sound of Brody's voice, grasping my chest, gasping. I frown and turn around.

"What the hell?!" I shout, getting angry.

"Sorry, I thought you knew I was here," he says, shrugging.

"Obviously I fucking didn't," I hiss.

"Well, gee, sorry," he says sarcastically, holding his hands up in the air as if he were about to be arrested. I roll my eyes. Katy and Jared were staring, watching the scene unfold. At least they don't have relationship problems.

"No, no you aren't," I mutter, crawling into the backseat of the van. Unfortunately, he follows.

"NO MAKE-UP SEX IN MY FUCKING VAN, YOU TWO!" Jared shouts from the driver's seat, starting up the van. I frown.

"I DON'T WANT HIS PENIS ANYWHERE NEAR ME UNLESS I CAN RIP IT OFF OF HIS BODY!" I shout back, getting a round of 'ew's from Katy and hardcore cringing from both the males.

"That would be painful," Brody says, frowning.

"Do I look like I give two shits?" I ask. "'Cause I don't."

"What's up with you two, lately?" Katy asks. "You guys were so lovey dovey and constantly bangbangin' back there just a day ago, and now you're all fighting and not being Krody."

"Yeah, well Krody doesn't exist anymore," Brody tells Katy. I didn't think I've ever felt this bad of a heartbreak in my life. I crawl into the trunk, and begin closingthe curtains that Jared screwed into the car for reasons that I don't want to talk about.

"Leave me alone," I tell Brody, staring him straight in the eye. I close the curtains all the way, lay down on the mattress, curling up into a ball and crying myself to sleep.

What did I do?

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