Chapter Three- "Complete. Utter. Bullshit."

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<<Lucifier's POV>>

Alright. It's my turn I guess. So yeah. The plot so far is High School finally let out and we're legally adults. So to me, that means I am now entitled to do whatever the fuck I please. Allow me to shed some light on the Past. Ever since middle school and my induction into the band, we settled on moving to California and becoming famous musically as a band. And you might be wondering about Victor. Ya see, he was the Band's previous Drummer. Okay, no, you can't call him the Band's previous drummer when he was never even officially in. You CAN call him a worthless piece of shit that tries to delve into anything and EVERYTHING. This also includes Krody a.k.a. Kat and Brody's relationship. Moving on to the actual story

Night 1 on the road.

It's Night. Kat and Brody are asleep, completely knocked out. I can understand that. Sex can be quite exhausting. I would imagine, at least. Katy and I still have yet to get something on. We agreed that we would wait until California. I can wait 5 days. I've already been waiting at least 4 years. The Van quietly drives down the highway. Katy is asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. I look in the mirror, examining the back where the mattress is. Also the same mattress Krody got it on with. Katy and I could wait. Why couldn't they? Oh well. I start to the right, easing off the road and onto the side, pulling to a stop. I park the van. 
"........*Rustle Rustle Rustle....."

The actual fuck? I turn around in my seat and see Kat and Brody, up at it....... AGAIN

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF SWEET CHRIST ARE YOU DOING?!" I yell, pissed off that they were doing it in my car but also quite shocked they were at it again.

Brody and Kat both looked up in disbelief. Kat yelled "WHAT THE FUCK. WE THOUGHT YOU WERE ASLEEP!"


"I TOLD YOU LUCI. WE'RE BUSY! WE AR-" I shushed Brody and gestured to the air. A gesture Kat and Brody could both tell meant "Listen" 

I gave a serious expression and picked up Brody's pants and tossed them at him. "Put your damn pants on and man my seat..... Now...." 


"KAT. LISTEN. NOW" I hastily screamed at Kat. Kat listened. Shitty music could be heard in the air. 

"Oh no...... Not.... HIM!" Kat said, worried. 

"BRODY! PUT YOUR DAMN PANTS ON!" I angrily yelled at Brody.

"You faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag." Brody responds, pulling his pants up his legs. 

I stepped out of the van. I scanned the horizon.

"Now.... WHERE are you....." I mumbled to myself

A growing figure emerged in the distance. It was undoubtedly the source of the shitty music. 

"Oh fucking hell. I CANNOT get a break today!" I yelled in anger then I made a quick dash to the van and swung the door open. Katy, not one to wake up easily, woke up at the shockwave that shook through the van. 

"What's going on?" Katy asked.

"Big nose." I say. 

"Oh CAKING Hell!" Katy shouts, angrily. 

I shouted to Brody in the back of the van "HEY BRODY. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, I TOLD YOU TO WARM UP THE DAMN VAN!" 

I turned my head and quickly turned back, scarred. They were at it. Again........ 

"FUCKING. THIS IS COMPLETE UTTER BULLSHIT!" I yell as loud as I can in complete rage. "KATYBOO, HANG THE FUCK ON!" I quickly twisted the key in the ignition slot and the van sprang to Life. I slammed the pedal to the floor and the van shot forward. 2 startled screams suddenly emerged from the back of the Van. 

"OUCH, GODDAMMIT, MY DICK!" Brody screams. 

I laughed to myself. Katy rolled down the window and looked out of the opening. She pulled her head back in and rolled it back up. 

"Thank Cake. You lost him." Katy said. 

"If we're going to put up with this for the rest of our fucking lifes, I'm going to shoot myself. I'm sick of this bullshit." I say, still filled with rage.

"NO!" Katy says, hugging my arm tightly. "You no die. Never ever ever. I wub you too much."

I sigh then can't help but let a grin spread across my face. "I love you too, Katyboo."

Katy, still hugging my arm, proceed to fall asleep as I pulled onto the road finally. 

"Keep on going, Devil." I say to myself. "Keep on going."

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