Chapter Two- "caking safe"

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<<Katy's POV>>

I rolled my eyes as Kat made her signature comment about how "She didn't ask for this" and moved my way through the back of the van, shielding my eyes from the pile of ewwyness Kat and Brody were in.

"GO MATE ELSEWHERE YOU BUTT NARDS!" I yelled at them, gripping onto the back of the van and kicking a leg out at Victor in attempt to throw him off of the van.

"KATY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Everyone yelled at me as kept kicking at Victor, trying to avoid his overly large and dripping nose.

"I'm..." *kick* "Trying.." *kick* "To...." *kick* "Save..." *kick* "Us.." *kick* I puffed out, growling when I couldn't get him off. "Kat. Brody. Here. Now." I wheezed, not turning around for fear of what I would see.

"WE'RE BUSY KATY." Krody yelled.

"NOT IN MY FUCKING VAN YOU AIN'T!!" Luci screamed, looking back at us through the rear-view mirror.

"QUICK. Someone get me THE CAKING NUTELLA!!" I called back, opening my hands as Luci tossed a huge jar.

Victor whined, this time about and inch closer to getting into the van.

In perfect timing, I swung around, pulling off the lid of Nutella and coating my hand in it. I through the jar to the floor and swiped my hand across Victor's eyes and grinning as my plan worked.

The overly-obsessive, Krody-crazed ginger toppled backwards and onto the road as we continued speeding our way away.

We all laughed as I closed the door and sat back at my seat, still avoiding Kat and Brody on the mattress in the back.

"YOU DO KNOW WE ALL HAVE TO SHARE THAT BED, RIGHT?" Luci called back to them, eyes still on the road.

"SHUT UP YOU FAAAAAAAGGGGGG!!" Brody replied as Kat and I laughed.

At least we were safe from Victor for now.

Trip To California {Jaty/Krody}Where stories live. Discover now