Honestly, I don't know what just happened

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Twilight: Imprinted worlds

Chapter 1: 

I keep running for miles trying to find her. Any trace of her is lost among the Romanians foreign smell. After hours of tiresome darting through the streets of Volterra, I give up chasing after Cassia and guiltily walk back to the castle, wondering if Dimitri will be able to track her. There is silence as I wander in a trance into the main room of the underground home. Questions are asked but I don't know how to answer, the only thing I can come out with is;

"My girlfriend has been kidnapped by the Romanians and I can't find her." I finally look up through my tear filled eyes at the Volturi. As soon as I finish my sentence, Sulpicia steps forward and says "your what?" I guess she's referring to when I used the word 'girlfriend'. I feel as though my heart has been ripped out of me, so I hold my head in my hands and breathe heavily as Aro silences her and Alec steps forward.

"How far did you track her?" He asks, crouching to my level. I cannot answer for a few seconds, but I manage to.

"Not far enough, I tracked her only to the end of the road, then I lost them and they covered up her scent." I reply quietly. I should never have let her out of my sight, worried I'll never see her again. Besides, I never got a chance to tell her I love her back.

Alec looks back at Dimitri and asks if he can track her. He storms off to Cassia's room so he can find her scent. I still feel the pain when he comes back moments later and goes outside silently, not looking at any of us. Only then do I realise that the disappearance of Cassia affects them too. I know her and Dimitri are close, so it must be hard for him. The silence is broken by Didyme, who looks just as worried as me.

"Well, isn't there a way to, I don't know, have any clue of where they went?" She asks the group. I notice her hands shaking and that she is rocking back and forth on her heels, she is on the brink of crying. Aro says something in her mind and she looks at him knowingly before they both hurry off to one of the tunnels to find something.

"At least we know there are only two of them, which should make it easy." Athenodora says, crossing her arms, staring into space. I stand up;

"Actually, there's a whole army, there's tons of them and any of the, about, 1,000 people could have her. So that's going to make it quite hard actually." Saying that makes me realise that there's still a chance we won't find her. Thinking that, I know if that happens, I won't be able to live with myself.

She replies angrily, "I knew that!" she turns to the rest of them, "Can someone take the dog out? He's revolting." I roll my eyes and make the excuse that I need some fresh air. I know she's never going to stop with the 'dog' jokes. I find Dimitri in the rubbles of the castle, looking at the ground. I go over and ask if he found her. He shakes his head and my heart sinks. He explains that he knows for sure they went to a nearby country, but he doesn't know which one. We do another run of the city before he informs me we are needed by the rest of them. We run back in silence, and I know we are both thinking the same thing of how we are going to track Cassia down.

We enter the room to a huge block of marble in the middle, serving as a table. Spread across it is what looks like a map of the world, of Italy, and all the nearby countries. Huddled around it is all of Cassia's family, discussing where the Romanians could have gone. I approach them and lean over the table next to Aro. He is talking about where the Romanians could have taken Cassia. The map spread out on the table is an old map of Italy and surrounding countries. I ask where he got the maps from and all he says is;

"All I can say is that I don't think the local librarian will be coming into work tomorrow."Didyme sniggers and I am in complete shock for a moment but Jane and the queens interrupt and soon decide that there is a slim chance they would go to Romania.

"I'll take that chance," I say, "I think we should go one country at a time, all of us go to Romania to find any clues of where she could have gone, then try to track her from there."

"You know why they're doing this, don't you?" Aro asks me, I shake my head, "The Romanians have been after the throne for centuries, and now they have the most precious person we have in their possession. They have the high ground; they know that we will do anything to get Cassia back, so they will use her as their advantage. Also, I agree, we should all go to Romania. Cassia is clever, she could have left clues there, and we set off in 2 hours." He walks away and we all split up. I am left alone in the room with Jane.

"So, you and Cassia huh?" She says, walking over to me.

"Yeah" I reply.

"You two are cute together, I ship it." She exclaims, nudging me, I laugh.

"Thanks, I just, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she-."

"Yeah, I know, I miss her too. We'll find her Liam, she's strong, she knows how to defend herself. But this time, she needs a little help."

"Thanks; you must be a really great big sister."

"Yeah, well, I try my best."

At that moment, Aro and the rest of the Volturi come into the room, all with determined looks on their faces.

"We're wasting time, we have to leave. Now" Aro says, walking out. Of course, he's right; and I know they are just as nervous to get going as I am. We leave the palace and set a course for Romania. I just hope Cassia is there when we arrive...

Hey everyone, so here it is the first chapter of the second book how exciting, I really hope you all enjoyed. As always make sure to vote and comment, because they always make my day and give me extra motivation to carry on. Until next to fellow readers.

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