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Chapter 2- 

We all follow and start heading towards Romania, just 2000 miles away. Luckily for us, I am a shifter and I have a team of Vampires on my side, I am estimating it will take us less than an hour to arrive there. I urge to get there as fast as possible to get my girlfriend back.

My prediction is correct. We arrive in the city of Bucharest, the capital of Romania in less than an hour. Apparently, this is the location of the Romanians "secret" base. I guess it's not so "secret" anymore! Palatul Parlamentului is where it's located, and all of the Palace of Parliament (as it is in English) is owned by the Romanians. Aro leads us into and through the palace, which is luckily empty, and to a corridor with red carpets and wooden doors lining the walls. 

The corridor gives me a royal kind of vibe. After that, we all agree to split up to look into each of the 1,100 rooms in this place. 'This is going to take us forever' I think, but luckily it doesn't. 

We search for what seems like hours, in corridors, statues, the parliament room, ballrooms, and all of the rooms they could hold Cassia hostage. I am stuck with Didyme, and we stay silent but ask each other often if we found anything.

We search through one of the main rooms, the throne room. Pillars stand high and hold up the room. Chandeliers hang from the carved ceiling and cast a golden glow upon the place. A jade rug runs down the centre of the marble floor and stops in front of three steps, which stop before three thrones. 

Banners hang from the side walls, each embroidered with what must be the coven symbol. Massive, clear glass windows are mostly covered with curtains, the same colour as the rug; that hang from ceiling to floor.

 I walk up the centre along the rug to the thrones. They have been painted with golden borders, blood red cushions, and umber wood. The centre throne stands strong in front of the rest, which I suppose is the leader's throne.

I stare at thrones for a while, before turning around to take in the beauty of the space. I abruptly feel a presence behind me, so I turn around. There, sitting on the middle throne, smiling down at me is Cassia. 

My mind replays the moment she was taken from me, and now she's here, sitting before me. When I turn around, she smiles wider, her eyes shining like stars, looking just as beautiful as ever. She rises from the throne, in the same dress I kissed her in, in the rain, walks down the steps, and stands right in front of me.

"Are, are you real?" I ask, shocked, with tears forming in my eyes. She keeps staring into my eyes.

"No," My heart sinks, "Just your imagination." Tears start to form in her eyes too.

"I-" I start, but she shushes me, tears coming down her face.

"Shhh, we don't have much time. I am here, technically, I'm in this building. I just want you to know I love you, and I hope you find me soon. Father, he knows where I am, I sent a message to him too. Look, you have to get to be quickly, we are preparing to go soon." I stop her;

"Cass, you're bleeding," I say, reaching for her head, as a stream of blood runs down her cheek, "What are they doing to you?" I ask, getting angry.

"It doesn't matter, i don't have much time left, I'll be waking up soon." She looks around the room, as if it's for one last time, "I want you to know I love you, never forget that. I love you Liam." I reach out to her, but before I can say it back, she vanishes. I stay with my hands outstretched for a while, tears gushing down my cheeks.

Didyme taps me on the shoulder, and I turn around to face her. She sees me crying and just says "Cassia" before hugging me.

"Aro told me," She says into my shoulder, "Hey, if we want to catch her, we have to go, she's in pain. You've seen her, she's here. Come on, let's go." She pulls at my hand and leads me to Aro. I quicken my pace as I wipe the tears off my cheeks.

Aro stands at the front of all the Volturi, in the middle of two wooden doors at the end of a corridor and taps what sounds like Morse code on the wall. Suddenly, it splits in two to reveal yet another corridor, but darker then the one we are currently in. 

Unsurprisingly, he escorts us through there to a large circular room with torches providing the only light source in the room. Once we all gather in the middle of the room, we split up and start searching for her, or anything that could link to Cassia or the Romanians. We search every inch of the room for what seems like hours, and we can't find anything. We gather once again in the centre of discuss what we should do next.

"We can't just give up!"I yell, annoyed, "There has to be something here that tells us something." I run my fingers along the rough walls of the space, along the cracks of the bricks. Out of the blue, I feel something sticking out of one of the cracks in the walls. I stop and examine it. I pull out a little piece of folded paper. I unfold it and swiftly, Jane appears at my shoulder. I unfold the paper to reveal one word scribbled on it;

Paris, France

"That's Cassia's handwriting." Jane mumbles as the rest of her family gathers around me. At that moment, I realise what this note means;

"Cassia she's-" I start, "She's telling us her location." 

Hey everyone, and here we are chapter 2, I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. Now i wonder what's happening to Cassia, where in Paris could they be headed to next? Well you'll just have to wait and see.

As always Please make sure to comment and vote because they always make my day, and motivate me to keep updating. Until next everyone.

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