An Unexpected Turn

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They all returned to the bunker at nightime the following day, their minds weary and exhausted from last night. Dean had every intention of getting up and leaving Cas the minute that angels eyes fell closed but he ended up actually falling asleep also. For the first time, he had no nightmares and only the lurring breathing of him next to him. The thought of many more nights like this made his stomach form into knots and his heartbeat quicken in his chest. Not because he was afraid or timid of the angels presence but in regard of the fact that for once, he had someone he could call his own. That knew him inside and out and didn't have to guess if he was okay or not because Cas actually did know. Sometimes that wasn't always a quality that Dean admires in him but for the most part, it was a good feeling not having to explain himself to every single person that crosses his path. Cas....he understands. His wants. His needs. His deepest darkest thoughts and desires. All laid out evenly in front of him like a stack of cards waiting to be read.

When Dean and Cas stepped over the threshold to the bunker, he was immediately tackled by Sam who threw his arms around him in a bear hug. A sign basically saying that if he ever did that again, he would squeeze the life out of him himself and the Mark would be the least of his worries. Its something that always made Dean chuckle because sure he was a good half a foot taller than him but he was still his little brother. Those empty threats that he tossed at him was more like throwing a paper ball at the eiffel tower. It really had no effect on him. And usually the words coming out of his mouth was more of a way to say  "Don't do that shit again." It was understandable but not required because, odds are, Dean would be doing the exact same thing in a couple months time. 

As time went by, the same kind of promises circulated itself throughout the whole entire bunker.

" This book I found seems to be encouraging so consider yourself cured in a few weeks time." 


"I have a meeting to attend to with someone who claims they can help with the Mark of Cain. This could be it."

All of them seem to end in the exact place they started out with. Absolutely nothing. It wasn't like they stood around waiting for certain things to happen but that's what they could basically be doing. They made no progress, and by then, Dean was majorly considering running off again. He hadn't told Cas or Sam about how he had been feeling because he didn't want to strike fear into their hearts. For all they knew, he was living comfortably with the Mark and continuing on normally. If only that was the case.

Ever since he had returned to the bunker his mental state has been deteriorating rapidly. His usual mellow thoughts, well mellow enough for his liking, turned into nasty, almost vicious thoughts particulary aimed towards his brother and Cas. It started off rather slow like Dean becoming a tad bit angrier than usual when petty things were to happen between the two of them. Even so much as teasing could set him off on edge and it pained him to see himself yelling at the people he loved most. Then it started to escalate with him throwing things around, anything he could get within his reach. He nearly took off Sams arm when he randomly hurled a chopping knife at the wall. He knew that they could sense that something was becoming off about Dean Winchester but they dared not say anything. He wasn't sure if it was to maintain the quite normal sense of living they come to grow attached to of from the fear that if Dean overhears them, they could wake up dead the next day. It wasn't something he liked to think about and the less he thought, the better.

His mental state may be something he could refer to as Hell itself but his physical state was 10 times worse. The Mark of Cain, in Deans eyes, seemed to have a mind of its own that attaches onto people to make them change a force of habit or anything he has gone accustomed to. Researching about possible huntings has changed to thinking about who he should kill next. Deciding what to eat for lunch or, basically, deciding who he is going to kill. Take a shower.Kill. Go to bed. Kill. Kill. Kill. The more the thought lingered on his mind, the more he felt like he had to fulfill what he was truly meant to do. Every single sane thought that he held onto seemed to be thrown out by a vicious thought. His sanity was running out. He knew if he stayed another day, he could wake up with blood on his hands and a smile on his face. That was something he would never be able to forgive himself for.

"You're becoming one of those filthy things you hunt Dean." Voice echo in his head. "You're going to die, and this is what you are going to become." Screaming, shouting. He places his hands on his head and sinks down on the floor. "You're a monster. A cold blooded killer." He whispers to himself, his voice sounding almost harsh into the silence. "I am not a monster."

"How sure are you Dean?"

He looks up and sees Cas standing in front of him, a smirk on his somewhat pale face. He walks over to Dean and takes his face into his hands,studying his expression.

"When I look at you, I see a monster waiting to come out and pounce whoever is nearby. You don't care about anyone but yourself at this point in time. No matter what you do, your path will end with everyone you love dead! You keep telling yourself that you are alright and things are going to figure itself out but you need to start being truthful. You are already gone the moment your fingers touched the First Blade. You knew right then and there your destiny and you have to admit you fully enjoyed the possibilties."

"My name is Dean Winchester. I'm a hunter from Kansas who has a brother by the name of Sam Winchester. I am still me." He manages to get out but Cas just laughs and walks around the room.

"Dean Winchester is dead. Sam Winchester is dead," he states, tilting his head to the side and approaching him again.

"No..." He whispered shaking his head, "You're lying! Who killed them!? Cas!"

"Why you of course! Just like Cain said you would. So much blood and so much pain Dean. It was rather sad. But of course I wouldn't know any of that because I wasn't there."

"I..I didn't kill you so maybe theres still hope Cas...maybe I can still come back from this. You have got to believe me."

He tilts his head back and laughs, putting his hand on Deans cheek. "Oh Dean. I'm already dead."

Blood starts pooling out of Cas's chest, and he falls to the floor onto Deans lap. It stains his trenchcoat, stains his mouth and stains Deans hands as he tries to stop the blood.

"Why'd you do it Dean? Why'd you kill me?"

Tears stream down his face and Dean shakes his head in defiance. 

"I'm still me. I can come back from this. Come on Cas, you have to believe me."

"I'm afraid it's already too late." The angel gives one last breath and he dies in his arms.

He smiles and looks up.

Dean awakes from his dream, a phone ringing beside him. He rubs away the sweat pooling on his face and quickly grabs the phone.

"Hello Dean Winchester. I don't have much time to talk to you considering this line may be compromised at any second. I have some news to tell you."

"Who is this?"

"That is confidental information."

"Then I don't think I have the patience to talk to you."

"Wait! I can't disclose that information to you but what I can say may change your mind."

"I'm listening."

"I know how to get rid of the Mark of Cain."

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