Chapter 24- Derek

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I don't know why everything bad happens to us

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I don't know why everything bad happens to us. Bombs, Drownings, Plane Crash, Car Crash, ETC. We have been through so much it is infuriating and tiring. But she is my light, my family, my home. Meredith Grey is the love of my life. Meredith Grey is my soulmate, the only one who makes a shitty day so much better. I love her and she loves me. I finally got my life with her but I am not gonna die until she gets her lifetime with me.
"Derek wakes up you were having a dream.'' I hear her yell
"Morning beautiful,"'' I reply
"Hi come on get up we have to get the kids to school and daycare. I have surgery.'' She says

'' She says

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We get dressed and leave

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We get dressed and leave. We start walking to the attending's lounge when I take her hand.
"You never do that what's going on with you.'' She asks
"Just having a good day. I woke up to your beautiful face and dropped off our wonderful kids and now going to work with our great friends.'' I reply
"Meredith.'' We hear Lexie yell
"Hey lex breathe.'' We say
"Sorry being pregnant and chasing people is hard.'' She says out of breath
"Then don't do it,'' Mark says behind her then kissing her forehead
"Your overprotective,'' Lexie admits
"I have to be. You don't listen.'' Mark says smiling
"He's right Lexie you don't what did you need,'' Meredith asks
"A consult,'' Lexie asks
"Ok, here I come,'' Meredith says
She kisses me and lets go of my hand. She smiles and follows Lexie.
"Woah man what's going on with you. You rarely hold her hand because everyone knows she's yours. You must be in a really good mood.'' Mark says
" What can I say I love my life and my wife,'' I reply
I change into some scrubs and check on some patients when Meredith pages me to an on-call room.
"Hey what's going on,'' I ask
She pulls me in and kisses me passionately. She pulls away and says.'' I don't know what's going on with you but I like it.''
"Nothing is going on with me I just love my wife and want to love her as I should,'' I say
Her pager goes off as she kisses me and leaves.
I open the door and leave. I go down to the pit and do a consult.
"Hey, babe,'' I yell to Meredith
"Babe? Ok do you have a tumor or are you dying what is it?'' Meredith asks
"No I don't and I am not dying. I just love you.'' I say
"MMM keep this up and you might get lucky tonight.'' She says
"Ok, I love you see you at home,'' I say
"I love you too.'' She replies
I get changed and get home. I start cooking dinner for the kids and cook dinner for me and Meredith. I feed the kids and set the table for me and Meredith me.
"Derek baby I'm home." She yells
"Hi, they're beautiful," I say
"Hi." She says kissing me
"You cooked your spaghetti." She says
"Yes," I say
"I love your spaghetti." She says
"I know. I fed Zola and Bailey your leftover milk from this morning." I say
"Mm, that spaghetti may get cold." She says
"Why is it cold in here or some-." I try to say but she cuts me off with her soft luscious lips.
"Oh, that's what you mean," I say
"Yep, so food or sex pick one." She says
"Sex," I say
She drags me into the bedroom and starts taking off my clothes.
Knock knock
"Mama daddy. Something is wrong with Bailey." Zola says
I and Meredith leave the room and go to check on Bailey.
"Meredith," I say
"Let's go." She says
We get Zola dressed and get Bailey dressed carefully. We get to the hospital and page Arizona and Miranda.
"Grey Shepard what's wrong," Bailey asks
"Bailey it's Bailey," I say
"Is he ok," Bailey asks
"He is having loss of appetite, vomiting, pain in his stomach, and diarrhea," Meredith says
"He has Gastroenteritis. I'm sorry you guys but it's not bad we caught it early which means surgery and it should be done." Arizona says
"Do anything," Meredith says
Bailey has the surgery
"Meredith Derek there was a complication," Arizona says
"Is he ok," I ask
"He's fine he just coded in there. He should pull through though." Bailey says
"Thank god," Meredith says
We take Bailey home a couple of days later and everything is back to normal. Or so we thought

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