Chapter #3

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So you peeps won't be thinking Ruth will be wear some ugly glasses the blind people wear. I'll be damn if I let my character wear those ugly glasses.

"Baby girl get up before you miss your first day of school" I heard daddy's voice say. I jump up in ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Daddy can you go get Alice for me" I said with toothpaste in my mouth as I spit it out in rinse my mouth with mouthwash. "yeah she is already heading this way to come in dress you" he answered .

Alice is one of my favorite teenage maids, well she sort of my bestie because she the only one who respect me other people just though I was a blind and pathetic little girl who can't see jacks shit, but Alice somehow became my best friend, she probably was the most energetic person I every seen but, yeah she's cool and sweet but don't think she is always sweet some time she could be in evil bitch.

"I'm at your service, your alpha sir." she said.

" Uhh yeah I need you to dress up Ruth for me cause she will be going school with you, Alice make sure she has all the supplies she needs. Oh in Alice don't put her in any trouble, okay K" he said then I heard his footsteps move my way he kissed me on my forehead head make me smile up at him.

"Have a nice day at school and don't for get your glasses, supplies, backpack, phone, schedule, lunch, and here is some money for your lunch account just incase you forget to bring you lunch and-"

"Okay we get it don't forget anything, dad" I said walking towards my bed to take a seat.

"Wait, wait you didn't let me finish" I sighed "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted if you have any problems with those girls or boys at that school don't be afraid to kick the living shit out of there ass " he said.

"Now why would I do that when I can have them shitting golden eggs" I heard my dad's laughter bounce off the walls "ha ha ha that's my girl ,now get dress" he said I heard his footsteps slowly flow away.

"You know sometimes you and your father scare me sometimes" I heard Alice say as she walk to my closet "Oh please you should be really afraid when we're fighting one time we almost made an mansion clasp " I giggled out "we sent everyone running for cover"

"Okay I believe that, so you are wearing a pair of blue jeans and an black fish net sweater with some black flats, that sounds good to you, yeah of course it does" she answered for me, I rolled my eyes and nodded anyways holding out my clothes for her to give them to me, she place them gently in my hands.

After getting dressed and eating breakfast my dad kissed me goodbye and gave Alice the car keys.

"Don't forget don't let anybody see your eyes are you will be in danger" he whispered in my ear before walking back to the kitchen to finish his breakfast. I stayed there dazzle.

"Hurry up before were late for school" I heard Alice say, I followed out the door and got in the car.

"I never been late for school and I'm going to start, just because your stand in the middle of the door, gosh" Alice muttered to herself, I just start into the blackness knowing that there ,an beautiful sunny day outside because of the bird that were singing happy .

The car pulled too an stop, when I got out and set my feet on the gravel of the ground I instinctively felt everybody's presence, but I felt an powerful presence in this school I look down and follow its power to find an wolfs spirit with other also wolf spiritual pressure but that one is strong and it was look straight at me, I stepped backwards in to Alice. They must be-.

"What's wrong Ruth are you alright" Alice said I could hear the worry in her voice, so I put on a fake smile " I'm fine, just wondering how will I get through this day" that was an sorry excuse I could slap myself for that.

"Oh you'll be fine just don't bump into someone you won't never want to meet " she said.

" Oh this will be an piece an cake considering that I'm a blind girl walk in a school full of people I can't see" I said waving my hands in the air like an crazy person .

"Hey, who wanted to come to school in the first place" I pointed at me " exactly now don't put your damn problems on me, women" she yelled .

" Just take me to my ducking class ya asshole" I said turning around to feel eyes on me " take an fucking picture, what ya never seen blind girl before" I said before walking to where the coolest air was come from.

"Humans get on my nerves" I muttered to myself.

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