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"How'd you sleep" he smiled

"Good. What about you" I asked

"Great" he smiled

I got up and he put his hand on my chest. He pushed me back down

"Where are you going" he smirked kissing my lips

He rolled on top of me and I pushed him back

"Derek" I smiled

"Nothing better to start off a day than morning sex" he smiled

"Oh is that right" I said lifting my shirt up

I took it off and he leaned down to my lips. He wrapped his arms around my back and lifted my head up.

"Mmhm" he mumbled against my lip

He started biting my bottom lip gently.

"I do like that" I smiled

"Mmm" he said kissing my lips

I kissed him back and deepened the kiss. He lifted me up and I arched my back. He slid his pants and boxers down. I took his shirt off and he took my panties and shorts off. He held my hands on the side of my head. He slid into me and we both moaned at the pressure. He sat out and held my hands tight. He started thrusting slowly.

"Mer" he moaned

"Derek oooo right there Aw yesss" I moaned loudly

He thrusted faster and did better movements inside of me. I bit my lip and he pulled out of me. I laid next to me and I rolled on top of him. I lifted up and he slid into me. I went up and down. He put his hands on my hips to help me. I put my hand on his chest and he ran his hands up and down my back. He pushed me down to his mouth and started kissing my lips. He put his hands on my ass and moved me into him. He moved me up and down. He thrusted into me faster. I put my hand on his chest and lifted me up. I pushed myself down and he went deeper into me.

"Ahhh Derek" I moaned loudly

"Mmm keep screaming" he groaned

"Yes ahhh" I moaned feeling my walls tighten

"You like that" he said slamming into me

"Ye- yes" I moaned

"Cum for me" he groaned holding my waist down

He slammed into me. I finished and he went faster. I released inside of me. I lifted myself up and he put his hand through the back of my hair. He put my head into his chest. We both had a bunch of sweat on us from this. He grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around us. I fell asleep into his chest. I woke up the next morning. The feeling that I had from last night was crazy. I was so happy this morning. I sat up and straddled his waist. He finally woke up. He started smiling and put his hands on my waist.

"I love waking up like this" he smiled putting his hands on my ass

"Derek" I smiled

"What" he smiled pulling me closer to him

"We should check on him" I said lifting myself up

I got off of the bed

"Mmhm" he said

He had the blanket around his waist. I put his button up on and left the room. I went to Bailey's room. I picked him up

"Hi little guy what's wrong" I saw rocking him in my arms.

I held him over my shoulder. I gently hit his back a couple times

"Shhhh" I kept saying.

I brought him over to his changing table and undressed him. I cleaned him and changed him. He kept crying. This wasn't what he wanted. I grabbed a black shirt and grey sweat pants because it was cold today. I put it on him. I held him and went downstairs. I put him in his highchair and grabbed baby food. I started feeding him and he kept spitting it out. I tried different flavors and he kept crying. I picked him up and felt his forehead. He was a little hot. I checked his temp.


I held him and brought him upstairs. I went into our room and Derek put his phone down.

"What's wrong" he asked looking at us

He held his arms out and I laid Bailey into his arms.

"We have to take him in. He's sick and won't eat" I said

"Hey little man" he said tickling him

He just kept crying, nothing helped. I grabbed panties and jeans. I put my panties and black jeans on. Derek got up and I forgot he was naked. I started smiling. I turned to face the dresser and took the button up off. I put my bra on and a purple shirt on. I turned back around and grabbed Bailey from him. I left the room and went downstairs. I grabbed my purse, keys, and phone. I grabbed him a coat and put it on him. I put my jacket on. I went to my car and put Bailey in. I quickly texted Addison to let her know that we were coming in. I started the car and put my hand back. I held Bailey's knee.

"Hey Bailey we're going to try and find out what's wrong. I'm so sorry you feel like this" I said tearing up

I hated seeing my little boy like this. Derek finally came out and we drove to the hospital. He grabbed Bailey and held him around his waist. We walked into the hospital and went to pediatrics. Addison got Arizona for me. We went into a room and a nurse took him to check everything. He handed him back to us

"Dr. Robbins should be in here shortly. He has a fever and his heart rates a little high, but she should fix that" he said

"Thank you" Derek said

I was freaking out. The nurse left and I sat on the table with Bailey. He was sitting in between my legs. Arizona finally came in. She washed her hands. Bailey started crying.

"I know" I whispered kissing his cheek

"Hey guys, so what's going on with little man today" she said grabbing a rolling chair

She sat on it and went in front of him.

"He won't eat and he has a fever" I said

"Okay I'll make you all better Bailey" she said listening to his breathing

She looked into his ears and down his throat. She looked at us

"He has a little bit of an ear infection, so I'll give him some antibiotics to help" she said

Derek and I nodded. She left and Derek wrapped his arm around my back. He kissed the side of my head. I held Bailey and he looked up at both of us.

Derek smiled at him and started playing with his hair. Arizona finally came back in

"Okay I'm going to give him ear drops so can you guys distract him" she asked

"Of course" I said

I started tickling him and Arizona quickly put the drops into his ears. He started crying and I held him into me

"It's okay" I said holding him.

Arizona handed Derek the ear drops and antibiotics

"Give him one antibiotic a day for 5 days. Give him 2 squirts in each ear a day for the 5 days" she said giving him a piece of paper

"Thank you so much" he said

Bailey finally started slowing his cries.

"Yeah give me a call if you have any questions" she said

"Thank you. We will" I said kissing Bailey's head

She nodded and left. I held him and got off the table. We went to the car and drove home. We walked into the house and I brought Bailey upstairs. I gave him the antibiotics and left the room. It's supposed to help him sleep and eat. I went downstairs and Derek was laying on the couch. I walked over to him and he looked up at me. I sat next to him and he moved his legs.

I'm tempting to make one of them eat a weed gummy or something like that😭😭😏

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