About to leave

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"They found her" I said

"Yeah they're taking her to the hospital. I guess we both have our happy ending" he said

"I guess we do" I said

He walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Thank you" he whispered

"Take care Nathan" I said

He kissed my cheek and pulled away. He left the apartment. I walked over to our baby. I picked him up and held him in my arms. I sat down on the couch and lifted my shirt up. He started latching on and sucking on my nipple. My milk supply dropped but hopefully it will get better to feed him

"I didn't even know I was pregnant. I went to confirm your body and I looked at this crispy person. I couldn't do it because I got so nauseous. I ran outside and puked. I had a feeling but I didn't want it to be true. I didn't want to raise him without you in then everything happened and it was so painful" I said tearing up

A tear fell onto the baby's onesie. I took him off of me.

"I had a nursery set up for him. I couldn't go into that room again. I left and came here. I turned my phone off and lived out here" I said

"Yeah I figured because I did try to call you last week" he said

"You did?" I asked

"Yeah I wanted to hear your voice. I missed you. Let's go home" he said

"Did you ever pick out a name for him" I asked

"I was thinking about Christopher" I said

"Chris?" He asked

"What about Christopher for his middle name. Harrison Christopher Grey-Shepherd" he said

"Harry. I mean maybe. I like Harrison" i said

"Ehh I don't know. We have some time" he said

"What about Beckham" I said

We both looked down at him and he started giggling

"I guess he likes Beckham" Derek smiled

"Yeah. Hi Beckham" I smiled

"I can help you pack" he said

"Okay you go pack the kids stuff up because they missed you a lot. I didn't think Bella would've remembered what you looked like" I said

"My only daughter and I didn't even see her first steps" he sighed

"You have another one" I said

"Yeah but she's an adult so it's obviously too late for that and we're kinda just friends. She wanted to know me and I said I'll teach her race car driving" he said

"She likes race cars" I smiled

"Loves them" he smiled

"Well she's definitely yours" I smiled

"Yeah" he said

"Well I got Bella walking on video wanna see" I smiled

"Yes" he said excitedly 

I pulled the video up and showed it to him.

"Wooo Bellamy that was so good do it again" i said in the video

She stood back up and started walking over to me. She fell down and started giggling. The video ended and I put my phone down. I smiled at it and Derek started crying

"Shit" he said sitting down next to me.

He started crying and I rubbed his back.

"I'm never going to forget this Meredith this is something that I'll try and fix. I always run and I don't know what to do" he said

Merder getting to know each otherWhere stories live. Discover now