4 ||Captain Battle

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Kailani's Outfit

Noah's POV

"Hey guys listen up!" Ms. Kate said coming out with a green envelope. I stopped talking with Kailani and faced her, so did the rest of A-Troupe.

"I have a letter from the Internationals board" Apparently we get bits and pieces of information at different times.

"At internationals you have to work as a team, but you won't get far without a leader. Declare your captain and you'll be one step closer to Miami." The ones who were here previously pointed at Michelle.

Since Emily left Michelle and her were no longer co- captains it was just Michelle. "Actually guys, I've decided to step down a no a chance now.

Even though Kai is an all around dancer that does all styles, her two favorites are acro and hip hop. She especially does hip hop with the A-Troupe boys when we were in J.

By the end here we're the groups:

Me (Noah)


I already knew Shantel was done for. Thalia can't do as many advanced as so flips as West aand I but Kailani can do some very advanced acro, probably very close to Max and Eldon. And she was very flexible and light, which meant they could add lifts.

Kai sent me a quick glare before going away with her team to the music room.

Kailani's POV

"Let's get this hip hop started" I said. "I think that we should maybe start-" Giselle started before I cut her off. I already had ideas. "I think that we should all start with pirouettes."

"Okay I get what you're saying, but this is a hip-hop routine." Eldon responded. I think it should be hip hop but with some technique.

"You what would be cooler than that? If we came in doing a B twist." Eldon suggested. "Well I can't do a B twist!" I yelled.

"I want to do a windmill because, you know it's kind of like a windmill you know?" Max then said making hand gestures. "That give me zero explanation." I mumbled.

Then he showed us. "If I do that I'm definitely break my back Max." I scolded with a straight face. "Why would we start with something like that. I can't even do all those flips. I'm only 15."

"But if we start of with pirouettes in the beginning we might as well do a ballet routine." Eldon said to me.

"Well at least make the routine enough so I can also do it." All three of us were arguing back and forth about what to do for a while. Until Giselle walked back in with determination on her face.

"We need to captivate the audience right away." Eldon said. It was just us two going back and forth, Max was ignoring us laying on the floor listening to music.

"Eldon, Kai. Eldon, Kai, Max! Let's go." She said nudging Max. "Kai start at the back, boys start at the sides."

"Let's just do a skeleton okay? Kai you're going to have a solo moment. Boys this is where you're gonna B twist in."

She was taking charge, and using all our ideas and making a great routine. She has a clear plan, exactly what she wants from us. That's exactly what a good captain should do.

"I like that." I said. "Yeah me too." Eldon added after Giselle explained her plan to us.


"Okay guys. It's time for the competition to see who is going to be the new dance captain." Ms. Kate said.

"Are the trios ready?" Of course we were ready. It looked absolutely amazing. I don't know about Noah and the other two. I'm not being rude to them, just that witch Shantel.

"Okay who wants to go first?" Shantel and Giselle looked at each other. "I mean my team can go first, let's go guys." "Perfect let's have Shantel's team!"

This is going to be an absolute disaster and disappointment. But you know what? I'm here for it.

Their storyline was obvious.  Especially as a girl with two other siblings. It was about three siblings who bicker a lot.

I mean our dance didn't have a storyline it was more of dancing. But they are dancing too safe. Noah did a half of a pirouette, not even a full one. Well I tell you he can turn, he can turn. Ive seen him do 20 before.

None of their personalities are in the dance. It's like they're at Elite. Straight up Robots. Like how Emily's dance looked when she practiced at home when she was there.

We clapped after the dance for them. "Okay let's have Giselle's group up." Eldon, Max, and I got up and into our beginning stances. I want Giselle to be dance captain so I'm going to do my best.

At one part we had to use the benches so i gestured for Noah and West to get off so we could continue.

The boys did their round off back handspring, back tuck so I did mine except it was a layout not a tuck. Then we finished and I ended with my hands on my hips in the middle.

"Uhm, Michelle! Since you were the previous dance captain, I think you should be the one to make Ethan decision."

"Oh! Um. Well both trio'swere amazing, but I think our dance captain is Giselle." Michelle declared.

"Woo yes!" A-Troupe said. We all wanted Giselle to be dance captain. I cannot wait to tell Emily. "Yes Giselle!" Eldon yelled. We were all smiling and clapping even Ms. Kate. We went to hug Giselle and I kissed her slightly on the cheek, it was amazing and everyone was happy until Miss Face of Elite had to budge in.

"Are you guys kidding right now? You don't see how unfair this is? Really?" "Well Shantel-" Michelle started.

"Don't be jealous Shantie." I said. "It's Shantel." "I don't care. Giselle was better at bringing the team together. Nobody would listen to you if you were dance captain and you know it."

"How would you know? Didn't you just come up from the smallest troupe?" "Okay yeah maybe I did! But I've been here since I was 3. For 12 years. I Leno this place like the back of my hand, the way you were choreographing is not how The Next Step is."

"Noah. He did a half a turn Shantel, I've seen him do 15 pirouettes and sometimes more, Thalia did a leg hold and an aerial. She can do way more, I've seen it."

"West! I've know West since he was in B-Troupe. He can do way more than the tricks you made him do. You're degrading their skills down, we can't win internationals if their not doing their best work." I finished.

"You won't win internationals like this." Shantel then walked away. We just lost a dancer. Now there is only 12 people.

A/N: I know their is supposed to be 12 people for internationals and James is coming. But I have an idea and you'll see it soon and then they will end up with 12 dancers. It's my birthday month btw :)

Published August 2, 2021

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