18| Blind

700 16 1


So we found out the 2-7 person dance was going to be blindfolded, and we were practicing with them.

And it was going terrible.

We kept bumping into each other, falling, and at this rate our chances at winning internationals was over.

"Okay yes, that was terrible." A voice said when we stopped.

"Wait who was that!" Riley said as we took our blindfolds off.

"West!" Michelle said as she walked over and hugged a plant thinking it was him.

"When did you get here?" I asked. "Well i just walked in. I wanted to see how the dance was going. And clearly it's a mess, but don't worry i have a genius idea. If you're willing to add one more person-"

"Are you crazy?" "How could we add another person." Riley said.

"Forfeit or add another person..hmm forfeit." I said very annoyed.

"No, no no, you just need Noah. He's like Marco Polo on a ship, without a compass blindfolded." West said.

The rest of the team gave West un approving looks? but I remembered that day.

Why didn't i think of that.

"Guys he's right. I've seen it. He's got this gift, it's like a Peter tingle." I said.

The group spoke over each other, saying we can't add another person, or it's not gonna work.

"Don't even worry. I'll be back, I'll prove it." West said leaving the practice room.


Noah had a blindfold on, and we were all throwing stuff at him and he caught it with ease.

He started to juggle it, and West through an arm around Noah. "All in favor for in?" He said and everyone raised their hands.

"And there it is."

"But we only have a dance for 5, not for 6." Giselle said.

"I'll back out, my ankle is bad. I should be in as least dances as I can manage." I said

"No, I'm the alternate for the team. I'll back out." Michelle said.

After practicing once with Noah, we were back stage while watching Sweeden.

We all had corset looking tops that went with our skirts, which gave off princess vibes.

Giselle had gold, I had blue, Cierra had red, and Riley had purple.

Sweeden were doing way too good, they had a cloth which helped connect all the dancers together.

Noah was in the deep wings, practicing since he was the one controlling all of us. There was a lot of pressure in him.

I saw Ella walk over to Noah, and he stopped turning and already knew she was there.

I sighed and walked over to Noah, "Look I'm not competing with you this round. So what happened to you doesn't affect me. Anyway I know you're gonna do good because you're freakishly good at spacial awareness." Ella said.

Noah wrapped his arm around my waist, somehow knowing it was right next to him.

"Oh you guys are finally dating." Ella said smiling. "Don't even." I said.

Noah took off his blindfold, "Thanks Ella." And we both walked by.

"France is doing really good. And knowing the pressure is basically on me for this dance is killing me." Noah said to me.

"Hey peter parker, you'll be fine. just don't drop me okay?" I smiled at my boyfriend.

"Next up is the next step. this dance will be featuring 5 dancers."

"That's right and that can either pay off huge for them or be a total disaster."

"Kai, i would never drop you." Noah said to me, as we leaned in and kissed quickly.

"Will The Next Step please take the stage." The person said.

"Here goes nothing." Cierra said. "It ain't nothing." Noah said back.

As we walked on a loud announcement said, "Ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together for the next step!"

We all got in our places, and then put on our blindfolds.

I was terrified as the music started, but danced anyway.

I heard the cheers so i could tell which was the front and the back of the stage.

In this dance Noah was the prince and we were his princess, and we want to be his queen and he has to choose one.

Which was ultimately me, under his request of course.

Noah was guiding us as we danced, and he put us in the right spots.

This was we wouldn't bump into each other, or even worse fall off the stage.

It was time for me and Noah's first out of two lifts, and saying i was nervous was an understatement.

But my nerves went away as soon as i felt Noah's hands on my waist, and i went up into the air and he brought me down, not putting unnecessary pressure on my ankle.

We continued to dsnce together shortly, and then he started his flip sequence.

As I layed on the group i could feel the vibrations as he flipped across the stage, and i could tell he was doing amazing.

The dance went on, and we hadn't had anything bad going on.

Noah was holding us all together, we actually had a chance of winning this hard round.

I prepped for my final lift with Noah, and I wasn't nervous this time.

Noah was the leader, before people overlooked him and now he was about to make us win.

The dance ended with me on the throne and my hand on Noah's shoulder.

The crowd erupted in cheers and we took out our blindfolds off.

We held hands, as the France team came back onstage.

They were good, and I was hoping we were better. Standing on the stage was nerve wrecking.

Noah squeezed my hand in reassurance as the announcer started to talk, as if he could feel my anxiousness.

"Moving on to round 4 of 7 is...."

"The Next Step!"

We jumped up and down, and Noah picked me up and spun me around as a hugged him tightly.

We all ran back stage to the rest of the team, as she all were excited together.

"Noah!!" Everyone said loudly and Noah and West hugged.

All thanks to Noah we were moving on, and we couldn't be happier

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