21 | It's the Semi's baby!

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We we're practicing the Semi-finals dance on the stage, since all 4 teams get a chance too.

It's still so surreal, we started with 160 teams and now we're down to 4, and even better we're one of them!

It's England, Sweeden, Italy, and Us. "Hold on stop, Sierra push a little-yeah that's good." Ms. Kate instructed.

"You're time's up!" Someone said loudly, and we all looked to see a head of the competition, along with Ella and her team.

"What? No, she's messing with us." Riley said. "No shes right, get off the stage." The woman said.

We were all taken aback, it was so direct and even worse we were getting off the stage for Ella's team.

"You don't even look ready." Ella said walking towards the stage.

"You know why?"

"Why." I said, walking forward and standing next to Riley.

Ella stepped onto the stage, "Because you're not." She said putting her hands in her pockets.

"Or maybe..you're not ready to lose." I said, putting my hands in my team jacket.

"Kai weren't you injured, and still slightly are?" Ella said.

"Yeah, and we'll still manage to beat you." I said. turning around, and walking back stage in annoyance.


We were practicing again in a small practice room, well until West collapsed on the ground complaining about his stomach.

He continued to complain, and some of us looked over him.

"How many times have you thrown up." James said to West.

"3 times." Kai answered. "Actually 4, I just threw up in my mouth and swallowed it back."

We all gagged, some of the group walking away. "What are we gonna do?" Ms. Kate said, asking the question we were all wondering.

"This is food poisoning I know it." James said, pointing his water bottle.

"But that usually takes 24 hours to get out your system." I said.

"We do not have 24 hours." Ms. Kate said, her hands on her hips.

"Hold on, someone help me up, come here." West said holding his hands out.

Ms. Kate and Max helped him up, and West practically folded in half.

His stomach grumbled loudly, "You know, I-I think I gotta go." West said holding his mouth as he almost threw up.

"5 times..that makes 5." I said shaking my head in disgust.

"He won't be ready in time. We have to replace him." Ms. Kate said.

"It's either Stephanie or Michelle." Gisele said, as everyone who was sitting down stood up.

"Michelle's better for this one." Stephanie said. "Michelle do you feel ready?" Ms. Kate asked.

"Do you think you can handle it?"

"I'll do it."

"Okay we need to get you your costume, we need to rework the routine-"

"West and I have lifts, so we need to change that." Giselle said grabbing Michelle, and everyone immediately got in their starting places.


England was on the stage, just starting their dance. Meanwhile, I was frantically looking around our normal area for my brace.

𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ,, 𝐍𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐓𝐍𝐒Where stories live. Discover now