16| Solo snatcher

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Today was finally the day of internationals. Everyone was extremely excited, how could you not be. I was very excited, not only because it's internationals but because Kai is now my girlfriend!

Its amazing. We are currently backstage watching the teams run across the stage, and bowing. It looks so cool, with their team jackets from other countries. 

We also get to see who our competitions is, after the UK went I was our turn. And it was such a different experience.

The theatre is abosuletly huge, I've never seen anything like it. The stage it bigger than any stage I have danced on and the whole venue was sold out and everyone was there.

We all bowed, and continued to wave to the fans and audience. After we walked off, I definitely changed my mind about wanting to dance the solo, I don't ever. 


A few people later it was Eldon's time to go up against Sweeden. The Sweeden male dancer was finishing up his solo. 

When we walked to wear Eldon was we saw Thalia and Eldon hugging. I thought they weren't supposed to be talking, I guess James let this be an exception.

"And now from The Next Step, Eldon." The announcer said, and his music started playing moments later.

Eldon's solo was very emotional, it seemed like he was dancing for Thalia. He had so many advanced tricks snd his leaps and turns has so much control.

I want to be a good as him someday, It would be such an honor to be called the next Eldon. I don't think I have ever seen a dancer, especially a male dancer as good as him.

But sadly, he didn't win. Some dude named Kyle, wait for it, from Sweeden won. I don't understand how, Eldon's dance was amazing.

"Noah, get over here." I was suddenly dragged back by someone. Turns out it was Kai. "What happened Lani?" I asked.

"I saw Ella practicing her solo, and it's the same one Riley has." She said in a panic. "What! No way, it was probably 2 simian moves." "No Noah, I saw the full dance, she stole Riley's solo."

"Oh no, this is not good." "And Ella's right before Riley, so it will seem like Riley stole Ella's solo." "We gotta tell the team." I said and we ran around to find at least one person from our team

AT this point, it seemed like we've ran everywhere. We finally found them as Riley was all dressed and in the wings. 

"Ella stole Riley's solo! She gonna do it!" Kai yelled as everyone turned. "What?" They all said confused as they looked around. "We promise, look!" I said as Ella went on the stage.

They started playing Riley's solo song and then the team realized. "This is your solo." Giselle said. "I know." Riley said disappointed. 

"Riley, I dont wanna say I told you so, but I told you so." Kailani said. She was right, she did say Ella was gonna backstab Riley and she knew they weren't truly friends.

When Ella finished she got a standing ovation. What were we going to do now, we have no female soloist. 

"Good Luck." Ella said and she went through all of us. "Shut up you two faced bi-" Kailani yelled as James covered her mouth.

There was one more dancer to go before Riley, and she has no tiger solo. And nobody else does. What the heck were we going to-wait. 

The dance, the dance Kai did on the day Stephanis came back. When she ran into the music and started dancing, moments before our kiss. 

"What am I gonna do, she just stole my dance." Riley said frantically. "Does anyone else have a solo?" Michelle asked. "Kai has one." I said and they all turned to kai.

"uhhh, no I do not. What are you talking about?" "Yeah, the day Stephanie came back and you ran into the music room and were dancing." "Oh." She sighed. 

"Riley, I can teach it to you. It's very very quick." Kai said. "There's no time, you have to do is sis." Riley spoke. "No, I swear-" "Kailani, you're gonna do the solo." Ms. Kate said. 

"Come on you need to change ASAP." Ms. Kate took Kai away as we all clapped and cheered her on.

Kai came out out a few moments later wearing a black body suit, with small part that were sheer. "Will the dancer for The Next Step please take the stage." The announcer said.

"You're gonna do great Lani." I whispered to her and she nodded and walked on the stage. Kai's such an amazing dancer and she made all these normal moves her own by adding the smallest but coolest things.

I could feel the emotion in her dance, the anger towards Ella, and how she knows Richelle, Hunter, Chloe, and Emily are all watching from home, and we're here watching her.

For being 15, she's a phenomenal dancer. "That's your girlfriend." James said grabbing my shoulder. "Yeah it is." I said proudly.

Her dance:

We cheered at almost every move she did, as well as the ones that made the audience erupt in applause. Ella's solo was good, but I think Kai can beat her.

When she was done, The audience stood up and cheered, a standing ovation. "Very well played." Ella said holding her hand out to Riley. 

"How could you do that to me, we're supposed to be friends." Riley said back."Riley don't you get it. That's the game." 

"It's not a game to me." Riley spoke. "Then you're going to lose." Ella then walked away with her team following.

"The winner for Miss International soloist, Ella from England." Ella come out to get her trophy and Kai sighed loudly. "And shockingly, Kailani from the Next Step was so close, being behind by one half of a point!" Chuck said.

"A half?!" West exclaimed. "Kailani you did amazing!" Michelle said. "She only beat you by a half a point, you were that good." I said and we all pulled her in for a hug. 

"Okay okay!" She protested and we all got off of her laughing. Ella squealed with her team with the trophy, and the 5 extra points.

"She cheated and still won." Kailani mumbled. "We tried our best, and that's all that matters." Ms. Kate said. "Not in this world, not in my world. Im defeating her, even if it's by the end of this competition." Kailani said walked away.

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