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Flash backs pt 1

Derek shepherd was never one to go out on dates, he was only usually in for one night stands, until his Best-friend mark, set him up on a blind date. He sat out front, staring at the all too familiar house, but he couldn't even think to remember how or when he's seen it. He quickly adjusted his shirt before stepping out with flowers and knocked on the door 3 slight times, before a taller blonde opened it.

"Hi, I'm izzie Stevens, I'm assuming your Merediths date?" The taller blonde asked.

"Yeah." Derek said eyeing past the blonde, to the petite dirty blonde walking down the stairs, heals in hand. They made eye contact when, she got to the last step mere inches from him.

"Hey" she said, stepping outside, shutting the door.

"You must be Lexie's sister"

"And you must be Mark's friend" she said snickering.

"Yep" he said walking over to his car, opening the door for her, before shutting it a minute too soon, trapping her leg in between the door and the seat. He quickly pulled open the door, watching as her nose scrunched up in pain.

"I am so sorry" he said, rubbing his face between his hands.

"It's fine derek" she said, pulling her foot back in the car, shutting the door on her own. He quickly stalked over to the drivers seat Sitting down comfortably.

"Meredith I really am so sorry, you look beautiful tonight" he said eyeing her, she was wearing a black dress, that hit just before her knees, her shoulders revealed, she still had her heals sitting on her lap.

"You don't look so bad yourself" she said, they both let out a little laugh.

"I hope you like steak."

"Oh I'm sure Lexie has told you" she said smiling contently.

"Your beyond her description" he said smiling. He immediately pulled out of the driveway, merging onto the highway.

"So what do you do for a living?" Meredith questioned looking out at the bright city lights of Seattle.

"I'm a neuro attending at Seattle grace, you?" He asked, stopping at the red light.

"4th year medical student. Your Derek shepherd?"

"That's me" he said sighing.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna go crazy" she said, and they both laughed, he felt generally okay. Like she didn't use him because his place.

"Where are you doing your internship?" He questioned, pulling back the clutch on his car, which quickly began to speed.

"Seattle grace" she said, almost inaudible.

"You'll love it I'm sure, it an amazing hospital."

"I've heard nothing but great things" she said, smiling.

He made a couple of right turns before stopping, and holding open the door for Meredith, as he led her to the romantic table seated in the back of the candle lit, diner.

"This is probably the most beautiful date I've ever been on" she said smiling.

"Me too" he said pushing in her chair, before sitting across from her.

"I can't stress how lovely you look tonight" he said, making her cheeks turn a deep red.

"Thank you" she said putting forth her best smile. And at that moment he was hooked, he wanted to learn everything there was to learn about Meredith grey, so he took her on dates after dates, even after becoming official, he still treated her as it was the first time meeting all over again. He made her smile, laugh and cry sometimes but he always made up for it, they were meant to be. all while her sister had her first baby girl, eve Meredith, who Meredith fell completely in love with.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my brand new story! Lmk what you think!!!!!

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