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Flashbacks 2// last flashback-breakup

Derek came in his well kept apartment, threw his brief case down and picked up a cold beer from the fridge before plopping down on the couch, Meredith didn't come home, not for another 4 hours and when she finally slipped through the door, at 12am clogs in hand, she jumped at the sudden sight of Derek.

"Hey der" she said, going over to kiss him, he immediately jerked away.

"Meredith where have you been?" He asked, looking straight forward coldly.

"I've been surgery hopping all day."

"You promised you'd be home 4 hours ago." He sighed.

"I'm sorry. Work" she said sighing, taking a sip of his almost empty beer. The most he's ever drank, would be accumulated this week.

"This is not going to work, you've been saying that for the past year mer" he said standing up.

"What?" Meredith shot up after him.

"This Isn't gonna work." He said walking back to the room they'd shared, for almost 4 years, Meredith would become a 2nd year resident soon. And she was leaning towards neuro surgery. She quickly opened the bedroom door, to Derek packing his things, shoving them messily, into his suitcase. He grabbed it, meeting Meredith at the front door.

"Derek please! I only have a year more of residency"

"Meredith grey, your the most beautiful women I've ever met, so bright, so amazing, and I will thank you for the rest of my life. Maybe one day we can sort this out." He said stepping out of the door.

"Where are you staying?" She questioned eagerly.

"I'll be at mark and Lexie's" he said, walking away suitcase in hand, Meredith watched as she left, the tears immediately threatening to overflow. She sniffed back before sitting down on the couch, her cellphone in hand. On the third ring the anonymous caller picked up.


"Mom." Meredith sighed.

"What can I do for you?" Ellis asked,

"Nothing. I haven't seen you in a long time. Can I come by and catch up tomorrow after work?"

"Hmm maybe. I don't know. I've got a surgery coming in now. Send Richard my best regards" Ellis said before hanging up on her daughter. Meredith sighed, she'd just been broken up with, and her mother didn't even sense the tone in her voice. So she went to the now vacant bedroom, and pulled on a long sleeve maroon shirt, pulling her scrubs over top before pulling one last layer, a black puffy coat, Derek had gotten her for an early Christmas present. She sighed at the memory before she pulled on her shoes. She hoped out into the night quickly finding the way to her car, racing to the hospital. She jumped out and met her on call attending.

"Hey" she smiled at mark.


"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home with eve?" She questioned. Tomorrow was Christmas.

"Yeah. I'm heading out now. Come with me, Lexie misses you."

"Mark, I don't know" she said sighing.

"Come on stop being such a buzz kill." He said handing back the charts to the nurse.

"Fine" she sighed,  following mark out to the car. He drove the 10 minutes to the house, pulling in to see Dereks car.

"Why didn't you come with him?" Mark questioned.

"I don't know." She said quietly rushing into the house, Lexie standing in the kitchen.

"What are you doing here? It's almost 2am" she said looking over her sleep deprived sister.

"Mark dragged me here" she said leaning against the door frame.

"Dereks in the guest bedroom if your looking for him" Lexie said, loading the last dish in the dishwasher.

"Okay." She said, walking over sitting at the island.

"I'm heading up." Mark and Lexie said in unison.

"I'll stay on the couch."

"Don't be silly there's more then enough room in the bed with derek" they said leaving her alone. She stalked quietly up to Dereks room, knocking slightly.

"Come in" he said and she walked in.

"You'll take the room then?" He asked.

"It's okay."

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