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Present day:

Meredith was sitting still, at her new found office chair, in the shared office she had with derek, even though the breakup ended badly, they'd dealt with each other enough for Lexie, eve and mark. Even tho it still hurt to be around him, she dealt with it. She was still head over heals and would go back to him in an instant, if she was being honest she dreaded working with him, and his new girlfriend rose, but she knew that wouldn't last long, because he still looked at her the way he used too. She sat in silence before the phone started ringing,  she let it ring before realizing they wouldn't Hangup so she picked up quickly.

"Dr.Meredith grey" she said balancing the phone between her shoulder and cheek.

"Hello, this is sherif Montoya, this is Meredith grey, Lexie's sister correct?" The deep male voice said, making Meredith sit up straight.

"Yes" she said clearing her throat, sitting straight.

"You're in Seattle correct?" The officer said.

"Yes. Where exactly are you calling from?"

"Tacoma. Your sister and her husbands car flipped, neither of them made it out, I'm so sorry,"

"Oh my god. Was eve in the car. Their 5 year old. Was she in the car?" She said frantically pulling her shoes on.

"No. I believe she's still in Seattle"

"I'll be there as soon as possible." She said disconnecting the phone line. She ran to Richard's office, pushing open the door.

"Meredith?" He questioned looking up through his glasses.

"Page derek. Now please. Page him 911" she said breathlessly. Richard followed her orders, but immediately stood up to steady Meredith.

"What's happening?" Richard asked.

"Lexie - mark" she said, as the sobs began to take over her body.

Derek saw through the window Meredith, hugging Richard, and her crying and his heart broke. Even though they where sort of friends barley even friends, he still tried to be the Derek she knew, so he immediately raced in, pushing the door open,

"Derek?" She questioned turning to him.

"What's going on mer?" He said, not even hesitating to use the nickname that once rolled off his tongue so easily.

"Lexie , mark we have to go now" she said barley audible. He snaked his hand around her waist leading her to his car. She gave him the directions, and they arrived , in what felt like forever, Derek quickly escorted Meredith to the police station.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The man asked at the front desk.

"We're here to see sherif Montoya" she said, sniffing after each word. The guy quickly yelled out and the sheriff rounded the corner.
Derek called in leave, for the next two weeks, not only for him but for Meredith, because now they shared, not only Lexie and Mark's house but their kid, they were stuck with eve. Not that they were complaining, they loved her, but they didn't know how to care for a Child.

"Did you get everything?" Meredith asked.

"Yeah" Derek sighed setting down the last boxes.

"We need to go grocery shopping" Meredith sighed, looking at the hung pictures above the stair case.

"I'm sure people will have plenty of food at the funeral tomorrow" Derek said, looking across the haul, to Mark's man cave.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay in the trailer?" Meredith asked.

"Yes Meredith!" He snapped groaning.

"What is your problem! I didn't do this to you!" She shouted, now facing him.

"I know you didn't! I'm sorry- it's just I'm this is hard, especially for the both of us, and we have to go get eve from school soon" he said, rubbing his temples.

"Derek we'll get used to it, it'll be hell especially without them, but we will be fine, you can always stay at the trailer or go with rose" she said, cringing at the use of her name.

"Don't even mention roses name, she has nothing to do with this " he said looking at her.

"I'm sorry, this is obviously going to be a struggle" she said sighing.

Hey guys! This is chapter 3 I'm going to try to write some more of all 3 books tonight but I hope you enjoy - <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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