"What Happened To Your Face"

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Kristina's  POV

Limping into the cafe i sat Nina at a table giving her the phone and breakfast like usual i walked to the back putting on my apron, This shit is tiring i was thinking about running away but the last time i did he caught us and beat me until i landed in the hospital i had to tell them i i got jumped .

Cece gave me a ice pack to wrap around my torso and i got back to work , i walked to a table that teenage boys was sitting "nice ass" one of them said i just ignored him and kept taking orders when i walked away i heard one of them call me a "stuck up thick bitch" fucking jerks have no respect

"Excuse me" i turned to see two man and damn they were hot one of them had on a all black suit he had light blue ocean eyes and a strong cheek bone while the other had dirty blond hair with brown eyes that shine in the light and had on a joggers outfit "excuse me" the other one said i blushed then cleared my throat "uh what can i get you two" i asked making sure to stay looking down

"I'll have a blueberry muffin and black coffee and he will have a chocolate muffin with coffee two sugars and no creamer" i nodded "I'll be back with your things" i walked away quickly and gave Cece the paper so she could do their order .

When she was done i carried their muffins and drinks and sat them on the table "thank you" one of them said and when i was about to walk away the blue eyed one grabbed my wrist lightly , flashes of my dad grabbing me almost made me cry i quickly moved his hand away from my hand "please don't" i asked him and he let go "what happened to your face" he asked and i looked down and mentally cursed myself "uh nothing" i quickly walked away

Fuck i should've held my head down more i ran into the bathroom and applied more makeup to my face when it covered the bruise i walked back out.

Going back on the floor i seen that the two guys wasn't there anymore but they left a three hundred dollar tip i gasped what the hell type tip is this i picked up the note that said

Be careful and have a nice day Kris.

It had a smiley face at the end i blushed.

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