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Kristina's POV

It's been two days and once again I'm avoiding Finn . Kai has been trying to get me to talk to him but i refused my heart was still hurting from what the slut told me at the office and instead of asking him what happened i just ignored him when he tried to explain .

I know i sound childish but when you hear about someone you love ... yes love sleeping with someone else you'll feel the same way so he had started ignoring me too which is why i agreed to go to a club with Victoria

I met Victoria at work and she's awesome so i agreed to go out with her tonight.

So here i was getting ready to leave to go to a club , I've never been to one so hopefully it isn't as bad as i think . Nina had went to Cece's house to play with Cece's little cousin Andy so i was free as of now

Walking downstairs i tried to walk to the door without being noticed luck was finally on my side because i left without letting any of the two males see me .

Once we got inside the club i kind of became nervous the music was hella loud i even seen a couple that looked like they were about to start fucking each other. Victoria nearly dragged me to the bar "what do you want" she screamed over the music "i don't drink" i told her i was going to tell Finn and Kai yes to being their submissive and i didn't want a punishment already "just take a couple of shots with me please"

I sighed "fine" she squealed while clapping her hands "what can i get you ladies" the bartender asked eyeing me honestly i felt weird while being under his gaze , i didn't know what to get so i waited for Victoria she asked for vodka whatever that is she had ordered five shots each

We picked up the glass together "on three" she screamed and when we was done counting i downed my drink . I nearly threw it back up it was strong and it burned my chest and throat i didn't like it at all but i didn't want to be a downer so i just drunk the rest of the shots

"Let's dance" she grabbed my arm and i nearly fell . When we got to the dance floor i started to dance with her enjoying the feeling of being drunk but when everything became dizzy i told her i will be back . I laughed my way back to the bar and nearly fell when i was trying to sit down "are you okay" the bartender asked i nodded "can i have some water"

He handed me a bottle after i paid for it when i felt like i was about to throw up i ran to the bathroom to my best ability and spilled my guts .

When i was done i washed my face then the door opened the bartender walked in with a smirk then he locked the door "uh what are you doing in here" i asked and he just smiled walking towards me as i walked back "stay back" i yelled at him he grabbed my neck and started kissing me I punched at his chest and he backed back "what's your problem i thought you want me" he yelled and i shook my head "no"

I felt a hard sting on my cheek then received a punched right after i just ball myself up in a corner knowing i can't win only thing i could do was pray "god please let someone come looking for me please"  i looked up when I heard pants unzip "please don't" I begged him pushing myself up he pulled down his pants

Then walked over to me "no stop stop" i yelled and started kicking and punching at him he slapped me and held my hands "I suggest you stop fighting before i kill you" he pulled out a knife and i whimpered he pulled up my dress then pulled down my panties "no stop" i landed a punch to his face and that's when the beating came

He started to punch and kick me everywhere until i couldn't move "no" i cried but he just hovered himself over me then i heard the door burst open and the guy was snatched off me and that's when i started seeing stars but before darkness took over me i saw Finn beating the shit out of the guy .

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