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KRISTINA's POV (three years later)

I groaned then leaned up in bed feeling like i have to spill my guts I quickly jumped up rushing to the bathroom . When i was done i brushed my teeth and walked back into the room flopping on the bed "i need to tell them soon" , i was four weeks pregnant I didn't know this until two days ago and I couldn't find the right time to tell them.

last night Finn and Kai had a late night meeting on a important case which they are still working on

I got up and put on sweat pants and a t-shirt "Nina" i called but got no response i walked down the hall and into her room but she wasn't there "Nina" i walked downstairs checking the kitchen, game room, and all the extra rooms

I started to freak out when i couldn't find her

i quickly dialed Finn

Phone Conversation

Finn by any chance is Nina with either of you

No, she should be home

Finn she isn't I checked everywhere i swear i did and I can't find her .

We'll be home in ten minutes.

I couldn't stop myself from freaking out then i heard my phone ring it was a unknown number

Hello , who is this

If you want your little sister back i suggest you get five million dollars without your husband's or anyone else knowing and if they find out I'll kill her you have five hours when you get to the bank and get the money ill call back

I cried silently then quickly got up i ran into Finn's office and into the closet to grab one of his biggest bags he had . I threw on some shoes then i heard the front door open "kris" i heard kai i hid inside the hall closet "kris where are you" i pulled out my phone

Both of you come inside the room.

I texted them then i heard Finn tell kai that i said that then i heard them walk into the room i ran downstairs as fast as i could "kris wait" i ran outside and into the car and pulling right off

I kept going even though they was yelling my name .

I drove the forty minute drive to the bank when i walked inside i saw sawyer "hi" i waved at him "anything you need" he asked i pulled out the check book "yes five million dollars" i told him his eyes widen and he nodded grabbing the check book as i sat inside of the room

After a few minutes he came back inside "since this was a big transaction i had to call your husbands their on the phone by the way"

I closed my eyes and sighed grabbing the phone

Phone conversation F(finn) K(kai) K (kris

Are you leaving us Kris Finn asked

Tell us what happened baby please kai asked

I can't. i told them

Give the phone back to sawyer


"Yes sir" i said through the phone "give her anything she ask for even if she wants to clear the whole bank" Mr.hacker said my eyes widen "are you guys sure" i asked them "yes we are sure she's our wife now do as she says" then they hung up .


"She's not leaving us its something wrong" i told Kai then stepped on the gas more "call Josh tell him we need some officers i have a feeling that she's going to Nina" i told kai as i hit a sharp corner

I know kris wouldn't just take that much money for no reason "Josh it makes sense all of a sudden Nina is missing and our wife is taking five million from the bank" kai yelled through the phone .

"He's close to the bank so he's going there" kai told me .


After i talked to the unknown caller he said there is a black Suv waiting for me "can i keep your phone i promise I'll replace it" he hesitated nodded and i rushed down the stairs "Kris" i looked back in saw Josh i started running faster to get out the backdoor when i did the car was already there and i jumped inside the back seat

And the unknown person pulled off "phone" she said and i handed it to her she threw it out the car "thank god that wasn't mines"

I sneakingly pulled out my phone then clicked on Kai's number

I'm getting Nina back I couldn't tell you two because you would have stopped me I'm also sorry that I didn't tell you two that i was pregnant anyway i love you two with everything in me see you later maybe.

I slipped my phone back into my bag "who are you" i asked her she didn't respond "i'm kris and you are" i asked again seeing if she was going to say anything "don't worry about it"

I gasped "Vicky" i said "shut up" she yelled then we pulled up to a field . I rushed out of the car rushing to a tied up Nina then i was snatched back "cody" i gasped should've have know my dad would have something to do with this Cody is his right hand "you sent my best friend to jail" he slapped me and i fell to the ground covering my stomach to protect my baby

"Do you have any idea what he's going through" he kicked my rib and i coughed "please stop" i asked him I received another kick "shut up bitch" he yelled then punched my face twice "you said you wouldn't hurt her" Vicky yelled grabbing his shirt

"No fuck her our best friend is rotting in jail because of her" he kicked me again and it felt like I couldn't breathe i was fading in and out when i saw him pull out a gun .

Last thing i saw was a officer slamming Cody then i passed out.


We immediately ran to Kris i turned her over and mentally beat myself for how she was looking "kris" i shook her but she didn't move "Finn we gotta get her to the hospital she's pregnant" Kai told me and my eyes widen i picked her up "I'll get Nina just go" He yelled and and i rushed to the car putting her in the backseat and driving off quickly.

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