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Sharai POV

I walked up to the register to pay for the groceries that me and my sister had picked out. I, finally made enough money to actually buy real good food, instead of going to the community center for kids in need- which was what we did when we were younger, and what most other kids had to do when their moms were useless. There all the food is free, and if we didn't go there, we just got small meals from fast food places. Of course of the dollar menu's.

The money I made was good money, I don't know if it would be good money to people that live regular lives, and have everything they need, but its good money for what I need right now.

What do I do to get payed? I babysit. I know, horrible job. Sometimes it can be alright, but the kids have no home training. I mean, they're getting better now but when I first started, I hated it. I got used to them because I need the money; we need the money. My mom's job barely helps us because she spends most of the money on stuff that she wants. She does house keeping, so I have to give her credit for trying ever since my daddy left.

After paying, I grabbed the groceries and put them in the basket and began walking towards the doors. I looked back and saw that my sister- Averi, wasn't walking. She was sitting up there talking with some boy.

"C'mon, Averi!" I semi-yelled.

She looked over and rolled her eyes. The boy gave her a paper and smiled at her, and then she began walking towards me.

Averi was my older sister- just by a year though, and as for her job..lets say sit at home.

"What do you want?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes, "what do you mean? It's time for us to go, so come on." I replied while waving my hand for her to follow me.

She smacked her teeth and walked towards me. We made our way out of the store and finally began to walk home. The store was only a couple of minutes from our house, so it wouldn't take long to get back there.

"So, what did you get from that boy?" I asked as we walked up the driveway to our house.

"His number duh.. and why do you want to know?" she replied with an attitude.

We walked into the house, making our way to the kitchen. I sat some of the groceries on the counter since our table we had wasn't that big.

"No reason, and while you over there saying duh, yo phone not even on." I said back.

She rolled her eyes, "you right, it's not. But I will turn it on.." I looked at her with a face that read 'stop lying' and put my hand on my hip.

"With what money?" I finally asked.

I could tell she was getting aggravated by all my talking but I don't care. "Oh my god, my money that I'm gonna make."

"And how is that? Because you know you ain't gone get a real job, and momma sure ain't go give you none of her money, neither will I." I replied with a shrug.

"Girl I know, I know. I'm gonna make my money...quicker than you think." she replied and I rolled my eyes.

I then left out of the kitchen after putting all the groceries away, and sat on the old, scratched up sofa. It was like that because of the dog we once had, but my mom sold it. The day she sold it was the worst day ever. That dog meant alot to me since it always found a way to brighten my mood on the darkest days. I was mad at her for awhile, but I had to get over it when she threatened to sell me too, if I didn't stop 'bitching'.

I stretched my body out across the sofa, and laid my head down. I was going to take a quick nap. It's Sunday, still light out, early in the morning actually, and I haven't had any sleep yet. Not even last night, I was to busy babysitting, and when I came home I had to count the money I had made the past few weeks. It was actually a good amount to me, but I use my money wisely, and I used it wisely today.

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I woke up from my nap, and it was 8:45pm. It was getting dark, but you could still see that the sun was out. I got off the sofa, and stretched. My feet hit the hard wood floor that was cold. After going up the stairs, I walked down the hall to my room, opened the door, and stepped over the little clothes that were on the floor. I needed to clean up. I went to my small dresser and took out some night clothes, underwear, and a bra. Walking out of my room, I began heading to the bathroom to take my shower.

When I reached our hallway bathroom, the light was on and the shower water was running. Must be Averi in there, cause my momma has a shower in her room. Just to make sure, I walked to my momma room and of course she was in there sleeping.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I walked to Averi's room to see also. I twisted the nob, walked in, and saw her laying on her bed, watching TV.

"Averi? Who is in the bathroom?" I asked.

"Someone, okay. So just go back to sleep." She replied.

I rolled my eyes, and left out her room. Still not having a clue of who it was. I began to walk to my momma's room to take a shower, but suddenly I heard the bathroom door open. Before turning around I thought to myself. I was ready to get in the shower and get clean, but I'm also wondering about this extra body that's in my home. When I finally turned around I saw this boy. He was brown skinned, had nice curly dark-brown hair, nice dark plump lips, tall, and also was blessed with the best abs. I was staring for a while, until I finally noticed that I was. He looked at me and smirked, and that's when my eyes got big.

"You going in there?" He asked.

I didn't answer, instead it was silent for a while.

"Umm.." he began but I cut him off before he could finish. I had just noticed my stares that I was once again giving him, and I know for a fact that he noticed to.

"Oh, yeah yeah." I said. I wanted to ask him what was he doing in my house at this time, but I decided against it as I thought of what the reason could be.

He laughed, "okay then." He moved out the way, and I walked passed him. My shoulder brushed passed his arm a little, getting wet from his skin. I touched my arm softly, and rubbed away the wetness. I walked in the bathroom, and turned to close the door. He was still there, so I smiled, then he winked and walked off to Averi's room.

I locked the door, and turned on the shower water. I stripped from my clothes, got in and washed my body. I wonder why he's here? But like I had thought earlier, he's probably here for Averi and the usual.

He looked exactly like the boy from the store that was talking to Averi, but she ain't have no phone to call him...unless she gave him our address and he came over.

I cleared my mind from those thoughts, and let the water hit my skin. I washed once more, before getting out. When I was done drying off and putting on my clothes, I walked out, heading to my room. On my way there, passing Averi's door, I heard the most unpleasant noises, noises that I didn't want to here. I shook my head, is this what she ment by making her own money? Being a hoe? That's on her though. But also, I could be wrong.

I walked in my room, turned on the TV, and layed in my bed watching it, until I fell asleep.


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