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Sharai POV

Before leaving Daniel's house, I said goodbye to his Grandma and then we were out the door. I got in the passengers seat waiting for him to get in the car so he could bring me home.

With us making out the whole time, it was awkward now. Daniel got in the car, and started it up while turning the radio on. I decided to check my messages since I didn't while me and Daniel were having our make out session.

Averi: Well where you at now? You couldn't wait?
Averi: Helloo..?

Ramir: you still wanna hang?

Sighing, I threw my head back as it hit the seat, then I turned to Daniel. I looked at him for a while, not expecting a returning look since he was driving. We stopped at a red light while behind a few cars waiting for the light to turn green. I still looked at him, but now I was actually waiting for him to look back at me, but he didn't.

"Well hello, Daniel... I been sitting here looking at you the whole time which means, I need for you to look back." I said.

"So you think I knew you were looking at me?" he asked sounding annoyed.

I sighed, "really? Everybody know when somebody is constantly staring at them. I mean, I would." I replied.

"And I'm not you, Sharai." he said back. The light turned green, and he began driving again.

"I know you ain't me.." I said while taking my eyes off of him, "Daniel I think you're mad at me for some reason right now. Like, I know you knew I was looking at you."

He didn't reply. We then pulled up to my house, but I wasn't getting out, he was acting stupid which was making me mad.

I poked him in his side, "what? Is it weird now because of us kissing..for the second-well third time?" I asked, "I mean, it's just me Daniel." I grabbed his arm.

He looked over at me with a blank expression, "no." he replied.

My smiled faded, as I moved my hand. I looked ahead and took a deep breath. Quickly, I turned back to him, "what's wrong with you?" I asked.

Still no answer.

I rolled my eyes and mumbled 'oh my god', under my breath. "So Daniel what are we now? We was all up over eachother at your house, and you wasn't acting like this then. I know we won't be anything but with you acting like this is making me feel weird." I said.

He turned to me and chuckled while shrugging, "We ain't nothing special."

I was kind of confused now. I mean, it wasn't like I was expecting a 'yeah we a couple' but I just wasn't expecting for him to say it so blunt. Something was wrong with him, but I didn't know what. Or maybe I just wasn't good.

I began to speak, "Sooo, what if we did more than just make out-"

He cut me off, "we wouldn't have fucked." he chuckled.

"I'm just saying--"

"What?" he cut me off once more.
I huffed while rolling my eyes, "Daniel can I speak!"

He laughed as I looked at him. I was actually being serious, he was making me mad and I just wanted him to listen to what I was trying to say.

"Anyways, if we... did you know what, what would you be to me then? Because after all that happened a while ago, you're acting like you don't wanna talk to me. I feel like now you're setting me up." I said.

He shrugged, "we still wouldn't be nothin'. We woulda did that and that's it. I don't know why you wondering. We ain't nothing, remember, you was caught up."

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