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Averi POV

A week had past and I still was stuck in this hell hole. I worried for Sharai since I hadn't heard anything of her all this time. I haven't seen the two men, nor have I seen Smiley. Milly was no where to be found at all, and I started to wonder if both him and Javion set me up. But how, and why? Javion wasn't working with Smiley. Maybe they made a deal with him though, maybe they cut the beef by giving him me?

The girl that I had talked to a week ago; I never seen her again. After they called her back out she gave me a saddened look, and then left.

My head quickly jerked upwards after hearing voices from outside of my room. "Well it's been a week already. What are we going to do with her?" The person said. Another voice shushed the other loudly. "Listen, next week we'll kill her. Take her to the abandoned ware house and kill her right there," they laughed, "we can't find her sister, yet. But we will."

My eyes widened. Although I was happy that Sharai was doing good; I would be gone by the time next week comes. Where was my mom though, and what were, or did, they do with her?

The door opened and I jumped, watching the two men walk in after Smiley opened the door.

"Get up." One demanded. I slowly moved over to the side of bed, after pushing the cover away.

"Hurry up." I walked over to them quickly as my bare feet hit the cold tile floor, and my bare thighs felt the cool air. I was only wearing a short white gown that barely covered me up, which is something that they had given me to wear.

The one who demanded me first yanked me by my right arm out of the door. They began to lead me down the hallway to another room, making my body tense up. I hoped they weren't about to do what I thought they were going to do. They've been leaving me alone the whole last week, and now it was Wednesday of this week, meaning that the week was halfway over. It would be horrible for them to mess it up by doing this now.

I slightly turned my head looking at the other one, who wasn't holding my arm. He stared at me continuously, looking me up and down. I wanted to mug him but I decided against it.

I was pushed into the room and inside of there stood my mom and Smiley sharing a laugh. I furrowed my eyebrows, wanting to know why this woman stood up there conversing with someone who threatened to kill me and her.

They both looked up at me and stopped laughing. I was pushed further into the room, and was told to take a seat. I did as told and looked at the two viciously.

Smiley moved a little closer to me, and then spoke. "So you're gonna do me a favor, us all a favor." he said while raising his eyebrows.

My eyebrows furrowed, "what yall mean?" I asked.

"To help us find your sister. Because you know where she is, right?" he replied. I looked at him in a disgusting way. I didn't need to answer this man, especially since I was getting killed anyway.

They're using my mom and she just doesn't see it. But I do, and I refuse for them to use me. I stared at him and then looked to the side after folding my arms. I could hear him groan as he turned towards my mother. "Get, her to speak." he had told her. I rolled my eyes.

She couldn't do anything to get me to talk. She didn't care for her own child and she expects me to answer him to get Sharai killed? No thanks, because if she's allowing this, then I can't even trust her. I can't believe that I let her get away with treating Sharai that way in the first place.

My mother walked over to me viciously and then yanked my arm away from my body. I was still seated in the chair while her tight grip held onto my arm. I looked up at her as she shook me. "Answer the man, do you hear me?" she said through gritted teeth. I stared back at her and then looked at my arm. Before I could remove her hand, someone else walked over to me. I looked at them and seen that it was one of the men. He looked at me like he wanted to kill me right there, which made me quickly change my thoughts.

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