Chapter 21

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(A/N: Song of choice for this chapter: She used to be mine by Sara Bareilles)

"Oh Pansy" I said a little bit louder. Tears streaming even harder down my face.

  I quickly stood up, racing out the door and down the steps that led to the dorms. I sprinted through the common room not caring who saw me. Ignoring my worried friends. I opened the hidden passage way, looking to the left and the right before seeing her turn a corner. I quickly picked up my pace running as fast as my legs would let me to catch up to her. I turned the corner and she wasn't too far. She was still slouching and walking pretty slow.

"Pansy" I said at an almost yell. She turned from her spot on the stairs, mid step. Within seconds I had reached her and had her in a hug. I put one of my hands on the back of her neck and the other going up her back. After a second she hugged me back. It was a tight hug and emotional. "I'm so sorry," I whispered but my voice cracked.

I could hear her sniffle and her body jerk every once in a while. I stayed there for a long time.

  "I promise I will always be by your side."

  "You don't have to" she whispered.

"Pansy you need someone. Now come on lets go get some food for you and report what happened last night."

She nodded her head and we walked to the Great Hall. There was still some fruit and toast left so I had her eat some of it. It was no secret that Pansy and I were enemies. So a lot of people were staring at us when we walked in together and sat together. I rubbed her back while she ate. After she had her fill we walked to Professor Snape and asked him to take us to the Headmaster. Snape didn't want to but I threatened him to do as i asked.

He eventually gave in and took us to him. We knocked on the headmasters door and he let us in. Dumbledore sat behind his desk. Pansy sat to the left and I sat on the right. He looked surprised to see us here together for a reason other than fighting.

"Miss Malfoy it has come to my attention that you missed Mr. Diggory's funeral."

I sighed, "Yes sir I know, I couldn't bring myself to come." I looked down at my seat, "but today I am here to tell you some troubling events that happened last night. Well Pansy will tell you what happened and then I will tell my point of view after."

He looked at us worried and confused. Pansy started explaining how the night unraveled and then after a while I told my side.

  "Merlin," he breathed, "Do you know who the death eater was or looked like?"

"No sir I didn't get a good look at him." I look over at Pansy to see her response.

  "I also didn't" she said but something seemed off. I noticed a small change in her demeaner. She was lying. Why? I'm not sure how I know but I am certain she is lying. I gave her a puzzled look and she just looked down.

The headmaster said something about fixing the issue or something but I wasn't listening. I was trying to figure out why she would lie. I stared at her the rest of the time spent in Dumbledore's office. When we were dismissed I walked out with Pansy. Shutting the door behind me, I turned to her.

  "Why did you lie?"

She looked up at me, "what do you mean?" She started fidgeting with her fingers.

  "You know what I mean Pansy. You know who the death eater was. Why didn't you tell him?"

  "I don't know what you are talking about" she said looking to the left and starting down the steps.

"Pansy!" I commanded, "who is it?"

She stopped walking and looked up to where I was standing. Her eyes looked pained.


"No one." She whispered and turned walking back down the steps.

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