Chapter 23

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Dizzy, very dizzy, the ground is moving, the world is spinning. Someone grabbed my arms and pulled me up to look at them. It was so quiet, it took a minute for my eyes to clear up and see who it was. Snape? He was shaking me violently but I still couldn't hear him. He appeared ghostly. Not real. My imagination. He looked frantic and surprisingly worried. Very serious. My ears began to ring and that's when i finally heard his voice peirce my ears.

And just like that his body collectively swirled into a white cloud of magic? Yes it was definitely magic. and forcefully flew into my face. Everything went black.

  I woke up thinking it was a bad dream, but it wasn't. The back of my head stung and there was a lot of pressure. My eyes snapped open, when I remembered what Snape said to me. I didn't have much energy but my adrenaline got me up. I looked around and was not in the hallway anymore. Looking down at where I once lay, there was a large puddle of blood.

  I searched my body quickly for my wand but it was gone. Finally taking in my appearance, I realized my robe was gone. All I had was my white button down, house tie, and my skirt. They looked shaggy and dirty, but how? Everything was clean, I just put it on this morning. Right?

Taking in my surroundings I noticed I was in a cell. Very old. Mossy and cold. Kind of damp. Mostly dark besides this little candle outside the cell, that hung on the wall. There was distant talking but I couldn't understand what was being said or by who. How was I suppose to run if I was stuck in a cell? Damn you Snape.

   I have to get out somehow. I saw a wooden chair in one of the corners. I needed a weapon of some sort and I needed to grab their attention. I knew I couldn't use wandless magic because of some spell that was put on me. I don't know how i know that I cant I just do.

I picked up the old, damp chair and with as much force as I could threw it against the wall. The chair broke into 3 or 4 different pieces.


I heard a voice yell. I heard footsteps. Two pairs. Running. Quickly I picked up a leg of the chair that broke off. Quietly I went to a corner of the cell that was on the same wall at the cell door. It was bars so I could see out into the hall. I knew which direction they were coming from, so I hid on that side.


      "SHE WAS!"

Dolohov? That sounds familiar. I repeated the name a few times, to engrave it to my memory. I took a deep breath to clear my mind and calm my nerves, before they got here. I was jittery from the adrenaline. Why is it always mw? I thought to myself.

  I held my breath as I heard them approach the cell. I could just barely see the face of one of them as they scanned the cell, looking for me.

  "She isn't in there." The man growled.

  "SHE HAS TO BE! We have been here the while time, there is no way she could have escaped."

  "Shit." The guy said rubbing his face, in disbelief.

I heard a key unlock the cell and prepared myself to strike. The first one walked in and then the second almost in a line. It was pure luck that they didn't look my way when they walked in. Holding the leg in both my hands, I took a big step for momentum and smashed the wood against the second guys head. Immediately running out of the cell and hiding on the other side of the wall. I heard the man fall to the ground, and could see that I had knocked him out cold.

I didn't know what the other man was doing but at the moment it didn't matter. I slammed the cell door shut and locked the men inside. Sure he had the key and it would last long, but it bought me enough time to get away. I sprinted down the hallway, cautious of others. I made sure my steps were quiet. As I ran further and further the mans yelling voice got quieter.


The hallway was quiet long. I ran and ran until I got to a short length of steps. Quickly going up them and opening the doors above me. Carefully I looked around, thankful for no one to be around. I saw a large building to the left of me and a forest to the right. My safest option is definitely the forest. By now the man must certainly has gotten out of the cell. Scanning the area I looked for something to put in between the handles of the basement doors, to lock them in again.

I had thrown my chair leg after closing the cell, so i could run faster. Now I wish I didn't. However the spell wore off after I knocked out the one man, so I am assuming he is the one who cast the spell on me. Realizing this I closed the doors quickly and whispered, incase someone was around, the imperturbable charm.

I ran quietly through the yard and into the forest until I was deep enough to not be seen. I took a better look at the building trying to recognize it but was unable to. It was unfamiliar. I don't think I have been here before. I turned and started running deeper into the forest. How could the cell feel familiar but not where its located?

This troubled me as I ran.

  I didn't know where I was, or where I was running to. Based on where the sun was I assumed it was about 5 or 6 in the afternoon. I ran for awhile until there was a small clearing that I could look out. However this was not useful, for my surroundings were just trees and where the trees weren't the plains were.

Frustrated I searched myself again for my wand. Failing to find it I felt hopeless. I crossed the plain to another section of forest. I was about to enter when suddenly I saw flying above me black smoke. Flying through the air, there was 5 or 6. How had the word spread so quickly? Had someone else seen me. Not good, this is not good. I ran into the forest quickly and ducked behind some bushes. Waiting for the smoke to clear, and signal the death eaters were gone. When they finally had passed over me, I started running deeper into the forest.

    It was getting darker by the minutes and I didn't have the slightest clue where I was. Then infront of my eyes a trail of black smoke flew and landed right infront of me. It was Bellatrix. Thank Merlin.


  She gave me a wicked cackle, which signaled to me that she was NOT on my side. Looking at me Bellatrix put her hand to her mouth, she was going to whistle. She is signaling to the others that she found me. I can not let her do that.

Just as she was about to whistle I ran full speed at her and tackled her to the ground. I stood up and stomped on her hand forcing her to release her wand. As she dropped it I picked it up and in one swift motion, I apparated to the school grounds.

As soon as I landed, I was surrounded by the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol.

"You have got to be kidding me" I whispered.

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