Chapter 5

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      Today was the first Tri wizard competition. They had us walk into a large arena with lots of rocks in the middle. I sat with Draco around the other slytherins. Wr had about half an hour till the first person to go out.

     "How you feeling today?" I was genuinely concerned.

     "So good so far." He gave a small smile.

     "What do you think the first task is?"

      "I think dragons."


      "Yup" he said with a huge grin.

     We all waited around until Cedric's name was called to come out first. Suddenly a huge dragon appeared in the middle of the arena, chained to the floor. Then Cedric walked out. He looked very brave but you could tell he was nervous.

     Within a few minutes Cedric had collected his egg. The arena screamed and cheered his name. He proudly walked off with the egg. Then came out Krum. All the girls 'ooooo' and 'aghhh' at him when he walks by but I don't see it. I don't find him attractive. He got his egg quite fast and everyone cheered again. Then came on Fluer. It took her a little longer than the other two boys but she got hers.

      Lastly came out Potter. He looked sick and nervous. I almost felt bad for him. He didn't see the dragon at first and started running for the egg, when suddenly the dragon came out from behind a rock. It breathed out fire in his directions multiple time before he got behind a large rock. "YOU HAVE A WAND HARRY!" I looked up to see who said it, because it sounded close. Then I saw he was looking at Granger, who seemed very worried. Harry sat there behind the rock for a minute until a broom raced to his side. He grabbed it and flew around the arena before having to fly above it. Before we knew it the dragons chain holding him down broke it to pieces. Chasing Harry towards the castle after going threw part of the arena top. I looked at Draco to see him in complete shock.

      "The dragon is loose."

                    "Well no shit." I responded.

      "Damn okay then." Clearly to surprised to be mad.

      After about 5 or 10 minutes Harry came flying back into the arena with no dragon behind him and grabbed the egg.

      "Looks like we both lost the bet."

              "I guess so."

                        "Call it a truce?"
      "Yea why not."


      At dinner people seemed to be surprised about Harry's success and went on talking about the task that just occurred. "I think I am gonna head up to the dorm now. See yall later." I stood up to leave when Draco asked me if I was okay. "Yea I'm alright just kinda ready to be alone."  "Alright," I turned and walked out of the Great Hall. I had just walked out the door and got only about 5 feet from it when I saw Parkinson walking towards the Hall. Trying to avoid her at all cost I turned the other way and figured I would walk the long way to the common room. Before I knew it Pansy was sprinting towards me and jumped on me.


                "YOU SON OF A BITCH! HOW DARE YOU MAKE A FOOL OF ME!" She had me by the collar and shaking me back and forth on the ground. Sometimes slamming my head on the ground. "I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL MALFOY!!"


             She pulled slammed my head on the ground, making me sissy as she whispered in my ear.

        "Everyone hates you. Its not like you have any friends. You will be lonely until the day you die because nobody would want to befriend a snob as hateful as you."

     I don't know why but with those words I felt as though I couldn't breathe. There was a knife stuck in my heart and somebody was steady spinning it and moving it. She got of me and walked into the Hall while flattening out her shirt.

       Everyone hates you. It just kept playing over and over in my head. She was probably right, I had just never thought of it this way. I hadn't the energy to get up and continue my walk back to the common room, so I just lye there, on the cold floor in the middle of the hall. I don't know how long I was there but I closed my eyes. There was so much pain. Not physical but mental and emotional. My heart hurt. I don't want people to hate me. Did everyone feel that way? What all did I do? What is my problem?

      Finally I got up after about 20 minutes and walked to the common room. Her words playing over in my head. No doubt I was my own worst enemy. I sat down on the closest leather couch to the entrance. I was holding back tears because I know anyone could walk in at any moment. I couldn't help but let them fall. I mean honestly how pathetic can I get. I haven't had my first kiss yet nevertheless dated anyone. My only friend really was Draco. Nobody ever wanted to be my friend, and that never bothered me till today.


         I had let everything out alone, I cleaned my face a little and got ready incase someone walked in. To my surprise Goyle sprinted in and was yelling something I couldn't understand.


     "Slow down. What are you saying?"
     He cleared his throat and caught his breath before saying, "Pansy came in and I guess Draco could tell something was off because he immediately asked about you. She didn't like that he didn't care about her so she said 'i don't understand why you care about her so much, she is a worthless and ugly git. Who is a failure. You are better off with out her.' Well Draco didn't like that so he threatened her and long story short they broke out into a full on wand fight in the middle of the Great Hall. Nobody won because Snape and Mcgonagle interfered."

     He was talking so quickly and once I had processed everything I hopped up, "WEll IS HE OKAY? WHERE ARE THEY? ARE THEY GONNA GET IN TROUBLE?"

     "They are both fine, Draco went with Snape and Pansy with Dumbledore, Draco wiki probably have to write lines but Pansy might get worse."

       "Okay... Okay... So when will he get back?" I took a deep breath.

      "Not anytime soon I don't think."


     Draco came back around eleven and Pansy around 12. "So I heard what happened, are you in trouble?"

     "A little, just lines and I have to tutor Weasleby." He rolled his eyes.

    "Yea. Unfortunately."

             "Mother anf Father are going to kill us."

                       "Yes they will"

     I am still upset about my running with Pansy. Though what she said bothered me greatly, i have a plan.

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