Hazel is controlling Olivina

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Sooooo... What if Hazel was the evil mastermind and she was using Olivina to do her bidding?

MISFITS, page 87-88
"Ladies! May I have your attention?"
I notice a well-dressed elf in a gray satin gown, half our height but standing on a box. She doesn't look happy. "Ladies?" she tries again, but her pip-squeak voice is drowned out by all the talking. Finally, she snaps her fingers, and a bullhorn appears in her hands. "Ladies!"
Everyone jumps. "Thank you for your attention! I am Fairy Godmother Olivina's EPA, Hazel Crooksen. In a few moments, you will be ushered through these doors and presented to the teaching staff as well as to your potential future princes. I expect you all to–"
"Excuse me?" A princess with blue hair waves frantically. "What is an EPA?"
Hazel's mouth tightens. "Elf personal assistant. Now as I was saying..."
"If you're Olivina's elf personal assistant, why aren't you in the manual?" The girl pulls a well-worn copy of the pink book out of a hidden pocket in her gown.
Hazel smiles thinly. "You wouldn't find me in your manual. I work for Olivina, not the students at RA, so my inclusion or omission from that manual has no bearing on the instructions I'm about to give. May I continue?"

*Hazel is small and nobody listens to her
*She has a small temper and gets annoyed - "Hazel's mouth tightens"
*She is not in the manual
*It's WEIRD that she's not in the manual (so that princess says)
*She works directly with Olivina and has no significance to the students (could this be because she is using Olivina as her significance to the students?)

Overall, Hazel is overlooked and clearly wants more attention. Was convincing an almost all-powerful fairy godmother that she deserves more from the kingdom so she could use her power and title to gain what she wants the way to do that? (this is as far as I've reread of MISFITS so I might find something that proves this completely wrong)

OUTLAWS, page 64
"Devin helped us get free and climb down on our own, and then Olivina and her assistant, Hazel Crooksen, got mad..."
"Hazel!" Prue covers her face with her hands.
"I don't miss her," Corden agrees.
"I don't think everyone needs to trade war stories," Tara says, trying to interject.

*Hazel got mad about the tower as well (I'm sure I would see this part in MISFITS if I kept reading and didn't stop to write this theory)
*Prue can't help but audibly gasp in fear at the mention of this name
*There's a war story with Hazel Crooksen... and I can't wait to find out what it is

OUTLAWS, page 232
"Olivina!" Hazel cries, running in behind them. "Stop talking! Your quarters are being projected on all the mirrors in the banquet hall!"

*Hazel isn't at all disturbed by the fact that her boss is a villain - which means she was clearly involved in this villain plan (but why would Olivina let someone in on her villain plan?)
*Hazel is trying so desperately to protect Olivina (or herself...)
*The way she speaks to Olivina right here. Instead of addressing her as her boss, it's just "Olivina" and instead of telling her of the situation in a respectful way and advising her to stop doing what she is doing, it's just "stop talking"... like it's an order

Hazel has a backstory. The small elf who can't get anyone to listen to her clearly has more to say than people want to hear. She has a history with Tara, Prue, and Corden. She has a reason to be working with Olivina - and Olivina must have a good reason for letting Hazel work with her. How did Hazel wedge her way into this system? What strings is she pulling? How selfish are her motives? What is she hiding?

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