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(Some background on this part: someone on Fandom just asked about "Kollie" - "ship" between Kayla and Ollie - and they mentioned the sack in CHARMED. You know, how they got in a sack together? Well, here's what I had to say about it - Oh, and at the end of this comment is responding to someone else's post about the "ship" between Devin and Heath)

OKAY, the sack thing? That was a cheap "Jilly" shot. Jen Calonita clearly wanted to set up a little "Jilly" somethin' right there - Maxine is too big to be in a sack with someone, and it would just be weird if Kayla, Ollie, and Maxine had their own sack and Gilly and Jax had to share... So that "Kollie moment" was just a cheap "Jilly" shot.

Alright, alright, I'll give the "Kollie" "shippers" this... CURSED:

" "But what about Kayla and her family?" Ollie asks, and I freeze.

"I don't think he'd harm my mother. He needs her to write his book," Kayla says. "And if he messes with me and my sisters, she will fight him. He must be looking for someone else's...someone specific."

"But who?" I wonder aloud. We're all quiet.

Kayla flutters next to Ollie and places her head on his shoulder. "What if we don't even know each other in the new Enchantasia?"

"Know each other?" Ollie asks. "What if we don't even exist? Fairy Tale Reform School probably won't." "

I think this was put in here by popular demand. It's settle (much more settle than "maybe, just maybe" or "for now") but there for the people that want it to be. For the "shippers" it's a moment where they can think 'Hey! Ollie cares about Kayla so he must be in love with her and Kayla laid her head on his shoulder so she must be in love with him!' But, I mean, when Gilly laid her head on Jax's shoulder he legit wrote about her being his queen... Just. Sayin'.

Kayla and Ollie are obviously friends. I'd put them at best cross-gender friends (this is the furthest it can go between different genders–for two straight people, which I, personally, believe they are–without it getting weird or emotional). I don't see real signs that they are into each other, all I see here is a friend caring for a friend. Also, I'm just gonna say it. Ollie's a flirt, Kayla's a bit of a flirt. It looks like a little flirt thing Kayla did between friends. That's all it looks like to me.

"Kollie" is more of an opinion. It's there for people that want it to be, but at the same time, it's not there for people that don't want it to be. I don't want it to be there so I don't see it.

Oh, oh, did you know that there was a Jax/Kayla "ship" called "Jayla"??? NO NO NO!!!!

Now I'm gonna go into an analysis about the relationship between each character because why not?

Gilly/Jax: Best friends, in-between-zone (this doesn't always mean crush, it just means friends with a little something there - in this case, it's obviously a future relationship and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of feelings - which I will admit is noticeable)

Gilly/Kayla: Girlfriends (no, not like a relationship. It's like when a teenage girl wants to have a group of her friends over for a slumber party so she says "Hey mom, can I have my girlfriends over?" It's like that)

Gilly/Maxine: TTYLXOXBFF (Anyone heard the song TTYLXOX? XD I know, Gilly's not like that, but if she were, Maxine would so be that friend)

Gilly/Ollie: Really only friends because they hang out with the same people, but then became close (I could see them being those friends that meet up once a week when they're older just to catch up and hang out)

Gilly/Jocelyn: 'I HATE YOU but I guess we need to hang out so let's learn to live with each other' which transforms into 'A'ight, you're my friend now, we both gotta deal with it'

Gilly/AG: Gilly is AG's idol - AG, to Gilly, is like a second shot at Anna and Gilly doesn't want to fail AG like she failed Anna... (...deep thoughts...)

Jax/Kayla: Close friends, probably because they had a lot in common (well, Jax as a farmer anyway) and were classmates - became closer when, ya know, they walked into war together

Jax/Maxine: Friends because they hang out with the same people

Jax/Ollie: Bros for life (c'mon... that's fact)

Jax/Jocelyn: Uhh... friends?

Jax/AG: Friends because they hang out with the same people - in the future they could be closer because of the whole "royal" thing

Kayla/Maxine: Girlfriends (same way as with Gilly)

Kayla/Ollie: Best cross-gender friends (close, but nothing weird or emotional)

Kayla/Jocelyn: Kayla is probably closest to Jocelyn out of all of them, and Jocelyn is probably closest to Kayla out of all of them. They are technically roommates for a while (but this is different than when she was roommates with Gilly). They probably bonded a lot over all of their problems and became close friends.

Kayla/AG: Friends because they hang out with the same people

Maxine/Ollie: Goofballs (these are the people that will never run out of anything to talk about, always love a good laugh with each other, and will always enjoy each other's company)

Maxine/Jocelyn: Prey/predator... - transforming to actual friends (but nothing like best friends, TTYLXOXBFFs, or girlfriends...)

Maxine/AG: I could see them being best friends

Ollie/Jocelyn: Forced to be around each other and just roll with it because what can you do?

Ollie/AG: Friends because they hang out with the same people

Jocelyn/AG: Know each other because they hang out with the same people (seriously, have they ever even spoken to each other...?)

Stoddardk01, what you were saying about Devin/Heath... yeah, but to be fair, I don't see Devin "shipped" with ANYONE. XD. She could get anyone she wanted, but she doesn't want it. Her relationship with all the guys? Heath has it for her. Logan has it for her. (whether "it" be feelings, love, or a deep emotional feeling of security and trust, IDK) Every flapjacking guy Devin knows has it for her. Despite Devin not wanting to be a ruler, Devin is queen. And you can sure as an ogre's ear bet she'd be a good queen!

In short: "Jilly" is fact. "Kollie" is opinion. "Jayla" is stupid. Devin is queen. Thank you. Goodbye.

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