The gargoyles recognized Gilly

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(Okay, this one might actually be true)

So the gargoyles moved in front of Gilly and not Jax? Huh. So Jax - who was standing next to Gilly - just happened to be thrown into the bubble when the gargoyles invaded FTRS? Huh.

What if the gargoyles recognized Gilly as Pearl's granddaughter? It sounds like Alva has a very clear memory of Pearl and is NOT her biggest fan, so she possibly educated the gargoyles on Pearl. The gargoyles might have sensed Gilly as her granddaughter (if that's possible) so they turned their heads to get a good look at her. Then when Jax looked over, they went statue form again.

They somehow got word back to Alva and she gave them the go-to attack, which is why they caused the evacuation so they could attack Gilly in all the chaos. It worked out perfectly when her and Jax went off by themselves, so they followed her and prepared to attack her when no one else was looking (or, not a LOT of people).

I mean, what was a gargoyle doing in the vent anyway?

Then at Royal Day, many things could have happened. Kind of interesting that the gargoyles scooped up Jax, isn't it? People might argue that they grabbed him because he's a prince, but if nobody but Arnard knew that, how would the gargoyles know that? There's also a chance that he was just an "unlucky student" but I like to think deeper! Stay with me here: What if all those other "unlucky students" that got caught in the bubble all looked somewhat like Gilly and the gargoyles were trying to grab Gilly? Maybe they recognized Jax and scooped him up, knowing he was associated with Gilly? And they didn't grab Gilly because she was hiding better than Jax? OR maybe they saw Gilly and went down to grab her, but accidentally got Jax? So many possibilities!

This could also be a reason Alva was so tunnel-visioned on Gilly. Yes, Gilly was the one who had possession of the mirror and zapped Alva, but everyone else did a lot as well. If anything, you would think Alva would be the most tunnel-visioned on Kayla. One - they have a personal relationship. Two - KAYLA was the one with the radishes who ruined her plan. All Gilly did - in front of Alva - was what Harlow told her to do. Alva really should have put much more weight on Kayla's shoulders, but she didn't. She wanted Gilly.

I bet Alva knew Gilly was a fairy, because she was never too surprised by the shocking things that she did that were possible by fairy traits. Maybe she gave this information to Rumpelstiltskin and that's why he worked so despratly to get Anna on his team - he knew she was a fairy as well. Not just any fairy, Pearl's granddaughter. Also, Alva and Rumpelstiltskin didn't seem incredibly shocked that they were fairies. In WISHED, Angelina said that as long as they don't find out Anna is a fairy, they should be safe. But then in CURSED, it sounds like they new all along, but Stiltskin stood up for Anna and said not to use her blood. Besides, Alva really wanted Gilly's blood for standing in her way so much - but then settled for Han and Hamish, once again, because Stiltskin said not to use Anna's blood.

Alva also wasn't surprised at all by the fact that Pearl was at the Fire Moon. Then she mentions about how the spell will be complete "with Pearl's bloodline". So OBVIOUSLY she knows Pearl is her grandmother at that point.

But what if the whole thing only started BECAUSE Gilly is Pearl's grandchild? If my theory about the gargoyles recognizing Gilly from the start is right, that was the first time she got tied into this mess. If my theory about Royal Day is correct, that's how she really became a part of this mess - and it wouldn't have happened if not for Gilly being Pearl's granddaughter. But my theory about Alva being tunnel-visioned on Gilly HAS to be correct, right!?

The reason the plot line of FTRS happened is because of Pearl. Woah.

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