75 2 21

Word count: 4299 words minus bold notes. I have updated the chapter so that it wasn't so short, so please if you had already read it please come through and read it again!!

Content warning: sexual content, murder, talk about a dead body, implied Stalking

The sound of people commuting below of the early morning had disturbed y/n out of her slumber, she groaned as she looked at her clock and the time read 9:00am. She threw her pillow at the window, causing her picture frames to fall off the window, hitting the floor with a crash.

"Fucking DICKS!'' Y/n sat up in anger, looking down to see that she was only in her bra and panties.

She groaned and had a reminiscence from last night, the stunt that Hart pulled in the storage closet, to teasing him and Dancing with him on the dance floor, she blushed as she thought about it, dancing with him was... what she would call, breathtaking, lust filled, and just down right sexy.

She winced as she felt the bruises on her cheek. She groaned as she looked over at her dresser. She leaned over and grabbed her phone. She opened her phone and switched to the camera, looking at the bruises and seeing where the handprint of that bastards hand was.

She had a text from Nile that she forgot to read. "Please be safe getting home, Rob told me that you had left early due to that bad encounter with that fashion designer, I'm sorry that I didn't step in when I saw it happen. Text me when you wake up okay bug? Sleep well and I'll see you tomorrow.''

"I'm awake now Nye, yea last night was a tad rough, but I'm okay, ain't nothing stopping this bad bitch.'' Y/n laid her phone down next to her, grabbing the remote and turning on the television, her eyes widened and she dropped the remote.

The man who had harassed her last night was found murdered. He was shot through the stomach and found outside of the strip club down the block from her club. She bit at the inside of her cheek when they showed the footage of the body. Saying that his killer was still at large.

She had a suspicion that the same person killed both those men, and she knew it had to be Hart. What kind of Yandere bullshit is this turning out to be.

Y/n shakily standing up and throwing on her oversized hoodie. She made her way over to her window and closed the curtains, not even wanting to look out the window.

She snuck out of her room and closed the blinds to all of her windows and closing the curtains. Her apartment became dark, she dropped to her knees and crawled underneath the window, she was worried that he was watching her, he felt in someway that he could see her even though he wasn't there.

Y/n turned her head when she saw an iced latte sitting on her counter, it had just been put there because there was still condensation on the outside of the cup, her jaw dropped, she felt a shake in her knees and in her hands, her palms became sweaty and she couldn't move.

She slowly stood up and made her way over to the counter, there was a note near the cup. "With extra vanilla and matcha powder. Just the way you like it.'' She had sighed in relief, knowing that Nile must have stopped in before he went home. She took a drink of her coffee and did a happy little shimmy over to the fridge.

She opened a box of breakfast burritos and popped one into the microwave. She picked up her phone and texted Nile. "thanks for the coffee Nye, it was the pick me up I needed.''

Y/n rested her phone down and grabbed her burrito, very violently blowing on it as she took the first bite, drinking a sip of coffee to help cool the hotness in her mouth. She shimmied over to her phone when she heard a ping.

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