71 2 17

Word count: 5067 words minus bold notes
Content: alcohol, vaping, clubbing, implied stalking, sexual content, touching, heavy swearing

The hours of the mid morning shined through the windows of Niles apartment. He groaned as the sun hit his eyes, forcing him to wake up. When he sat up he turned his head to see Y/n sleeping peacefully. He smiled softly and crept outside of the bedroom. He looked at the clock on the wall, it read 12:30. Nile sighed and started a pot of coffee for Y/n.

Nile poured their cups and made his way over to the bay window, opening the curtains to let the sunshine in. Nile sighed softly as he looked down at the busy streets, watching people walk and stop for their daily morning coffee, or teens skating through the streets and causing trouble. Nile looked over at the corner store, there was a man standing there.

He was wearing a white velvet suit with matching pants and fancy black shoes. The stranger held s cigar between his teeth, as he fixed the cuffs on his sleeves. The man had white hair with a red stripe in his hair. The man looked up towards the window when his eyes locked on to Niles. He gulped as he stood up straighter, Nile bit at the inside of his cheek as the man across the street smirked.

Nile gulped as he saw the man wink, turning his head in the opposite direction, Nile looked over and saw a man with light blue hair, he was wearing a hoodie and jeans, he was looking at the man in white when he looked up at the window at Nile. He sighed as he shook his head, the man gave him a look. He was so focused on the man he didn't hear the door open.

Y/n rubbed her eyes as she smelled coffee when she stepped into his living room. She saw Nile looking out the window looking like he had just seen a ghost. Y/n yawned as she made her way over to him, tapping him on the shoulder.

"what's got your attention there Nye? You look like you've seen a hot girl or something.'' Nile jumped out of his trance when he saw y/n standing behind him, he was snapped out of his trance.

"Oh it was nothing, just saw something interesting, that's all.'' Y/n looked at him confused as she tilted her head. Nile was trying to keep his face calm. When he saw that Y/n looked more tired than anything he was relieved.   He turned back to the window and the two men were gone. They disappeared like they weren't even there.

He poured y/n her cup of coffee and poured some extra vanilla creamer and two scoops of matcha powder. Y/n smiled and took the cup from nile, taking a sip of the coffee.

She looked out the window, watching the busy people stop for food, and the everyday people haggling for money. She smiled softly as she knew this was home. Her busy city life was plenty for her."I have to work the night shift again tonight, apparently the girl I am covering she is transferring to early nights, so now I am in charge of her shift. Let's pray tonight that those gang members aren't there again.''

Nile poured himself a coffee and heated Y/n up a breakfast burrito, she took it and happily took a bite, Nile sat down next to her, taking a bite of his bagel.

Y/n took a sip of her coffee to help cool down the hot piece of burrito in her mouth. She turned to Nile who was staring intently at the shop across the street, where the back alley was that led to what they called the bad part of town. She looked across the street, there was no one there, she couldn't understand what had him so spooked.

Y/n nudged him gently, looking at Nile, waiting for his response. But he was so focused on the store he didn't feel her kick him. He coughed once her ankle came in contact with his stomach. Nile coughed and realized he had zoned out, looking at y/n who gave the confused look yet the satisfied haha I kicked your ass look.

"Hey bug? Can I ask you a weird question?" She nodded her head, scooting closer to Nile. "What about your stalker..? What ever happened with that, did they just stop it? Or did you tell someone about it?"

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