Chapter 6 (Edited)

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     ●Bang the kidnappers van slams shut●      
No ones POV

It was a beautiful morning. The birds were chirping, people were awake, the flowers were covered with morning dew, and the grass was green. Everything was quie-

"LET'S GO! I GOT THE JOB, AND YOU SAID I COULDN'T DO IT!" Yoongi screamed and pointed a finger at Jungkook.

"Would you cut the shit already?! You're supposed to be the older brother who sets good examples." Jungkook groaned.

"Dude, it's not my fault I got the job." Yoongi stuck his tounge out at Jungkook.

"Yeah it is, when you saw it was a worker of the Kims giving the interview you pointed a gun at the poor persons head and yelled 'Give me the fucking job or I'll shoot!' who the hell does that?!" Jungkook yelled.

"Someone who's dedicated." Yoongi said calmly.

"Whatever, I gotta get ready for work." Jungkook said before walking away.

"Right, I have work too!" Yoongi started walking over to Jungkook with the stupidest grin ever.

"How the hell do you have work on the same day as your interview?!" Jungkook was.... To say the least annoyed.

"I made the worker let me work today." Yoongi cheered.

"Of course you did." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Sure, Jungkook was annoyed at his brother, but he just didn't want to feel like he was weak. He wanted to fight his own fights, and not rely on other people for protection.


"Yes?" Jungkook looked at his brother.

"Last one up the stairs is a rotten egg!" With that yoongi sprinted up the stairs.

It took Jungkook a minute or five to realise where they were. They were at the apartment- JUNGKOOK WAS ALMOST GONNA BE LATE TO WORK!

Without a second more Jungkook ran as fast as he could up the stairs, into his room, changed into his work uniform, and ran out the door to the cafe where his brother was.

~Tiny little time skip!~


The bell to the cafe door sang. With a red faced Jungkook coming into the cafe.

"What took you so long Kookie?" Yoongi had a sly smile on his face.

"DON'T." Was all Jungkook said before going up to a customer.

Jungkook was pissed and out of breath. Never in his life did he run as fast as he did without planning to, he would've prepared. But he quickly changed his mood when he was in front of the customer.

"Hello sir, what would you like to have today?" Jungkook asked getting ready to go and make the drink the customer requested.

(im sorry! For some reason the picture of Yeosang wouldnt upload even with full bars of wifi!)

"Hi, I'd like a french vanilla please." The man said.

"Alright, please wait here while I get the drink." With that, Jungkook went to make the drink.

Jungkook made the drink the man asked for. After the man paid for the drink the man quickly thanked Jungkook and left taking the drink with him.

"Hey BamBam, the other workers are dealing with the customers here and im already done serving the guy. Is there any work I can do?" Jungkook asked BamBam the manager.

"Can you take out the trash? There's too much customers to deal with." BamBam asked desperately.

"Sure no problem!" Jungkook said as he went over to the trash can.

After he got the trash bags full of trash, he somehow opened the back door leading to outside where the dumpster is.

~Time skip outside!~

Jungkook was finally done putting the trash bags into the dumpster, and boy was it hard due to all the trash overflowing the trash bags. It's eaier said than done.


Jungkook quickly turned around grabbing his gun from his pocket which was covered to find a cat on the floor.

"Oh it's just you! You know, you scared me for a second there. I thought you were someone trying to kill me or somethin-"

Jungkook fell to the ground due to being hit by something on his head. The last thing Jungkook saw was Kim Taehyung next to the man he gave the french vanilla to, then he let the darkness consume him.

"Alright, good job Tae!" Yeosang said as he high fived Taehyung.

"I couldnt have done it without you, if i were the one to distract him with the coffee thing inside he wouldve been on guard." Taehyung chuckled.

"Now hurry up, we gotta put him in the van. Go get the chains to tie him up." Taehyung told Yeosang.

Yeosang quickly nodded going to the van, opening it up for Taehyung who was carrying an unconscious Jungkook in bridal style.

After Taehyung went into the back of the van with Jungkook on his lap and tying the chains on his hands and feet making sure when Jungkook is awake he wont be able to move. While Yeosang was driving the van Jungkook's phone got a message.

Taehyung was curious so he got Jungkook's phone which the password was too easy to guess. It was 1234, the message was from Yoongi. It said:

Yoongi hyung:
Hey Kookie, where are you? Work is almost gonna end!

And what any good person would do, Taehyung texted back as Jungkook.

Hey hyung! Im at the apartment, BamBam let me get out early since I finished my tasks!

Then Taehyung turned off the phone and put it in his pocket since they arrived at Taehyung's house.

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