Chapter 14

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                           °•Pain killers•°

(A/N: I kinda gave up on writing who's POV's were going to be here)

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes only to be hit by a pounding headache, a dry mouth, accompanied with a piercing stomach ache and an uncontrollable dizziness.

All Jungkook saw were blurry images everywhere he looked.

When he sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, everything looked crystal clear.

There was a cup of water and a pain killer on the nightstand. But what stood out was a yellow sticky note.

With shaky hands, Jungkook picked up the sticky note.

'I'm getting breakfast, be back soon. -Taehyung.'

Great, now he has to spend his morning drowned in boredom and a killer headache.

Jungkook popped the pain killer into his mouth and swallowed it, then drinking some water to ease his dry mouth.

Contemplating on what to do next, the hung over bad ass bunny decides to do his morning routine.

After taking a shower, brushing his teeth, and washing his face (All in the shower), Jungkook put on an oversized shirt that Taehyung packed, and walked into the living room.

The sight of Taehyung sitting on the bed, eating a bagel with cream cheese scared the living crap out of him, launching Jungkook 2 feet into the air and squeezing a scream out of his throat.

"Holy fuck!" Jungkook put a hand over where his heart was, as his chest moved up and down at an irregular pace.

"What? Was I supposed to say 'Boo?' " Taehyung chuckled.

"That's not funny." Jungkook muttered.

As soon as Taehyung saw Jungkook wearing one of his over sized shirts, chaos took over his mind. His heart started to beat erratically while his hands started to shake.

'Seeing him in my shirt makes me want to throw him on the bed and attack his neck. Seeing him squirm under me and-' The older felt his face turn red.

Hoping Jungkook wouldn't notice his face, he continued eating his bagel like he didn't just think of what he just thought.

"What?" Jungkook questioned, until he saw the olders red tomato colored face.

"Ah, its because I'm too sexy, right?" Jungkook laughed hysterically.

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just not looking at you to give you some privacy, that's a normal thing to do. Is there something wrong with that?" Taehyung questioned.

"Then why is your face a tomato red color?" Jungkook taunted as he put on some shorts.

"I should call you 'Tomaetae'!" Jungkook gasped.

"Yeah, no. You're not calling me that." Taehyung deadpanned.

"The point is, why is your face red?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side.

Taehyung hesitated for a bit, debating on what to say, but couldn't come up with anything. So he got up and went to the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook grinned.

"Its hot, so I'm gonna take a nice cold shower." Taehyung said before closing the door and undressing.

"Yeah yeah, well I'm gonna get some waffles, with strawberries, syrup, and whipped cream!" Jungkook squealed as his eyes lit up.

"You're a kid." Taehyungs muffled voice was heard from the other side of the door, accompanied with the sound of the shower turning on.

"Nope, I'm an adult. Thank you very much." Jungkook said with a full mouth.

"You act like a damn kid, Kooks." Taehyung sang in a sing songy voice.

Jungkook looked over the variety of food on the bed.

There were waffles, but Jungkook ate them all. What wasn't devoured by Jungkook yet, was some bacon, eggs, pancakes, blue berry muffins, strawberry smoothies, orange juice, and water.

While Jungkook was trying to decide what to devour next, he didn't notice the sound of a door opening and someone creeping up behind him.

"Boo" Taehyung whispered in Jungkooks ear, as he wrapped his arms around Jungkooks waist.

An ear piercing scream was heard throughout the room.

Jungkook looked behind him and saw a shirtless Taehyung with wet hair and gray sweatpants.

Jungkooks eyes roamed Taehyungs body, not being able to control them.

Jungkook felt his face heat up. There were butterflies in his stomach along with a warm feeling he couldn't describe.

Jungkooks eyes trailed up to Taehyungs lips, feeling the butterflies in his stomach struggle vigorously to be set free.

Taehyung stood there for 5 minutes, not knowing what to do as a warm feeling spread throughout his chest.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Taehyung chuckled.

And with that, Jungkook wasted no time in rushing over to get Taehyungs Polaroid camera he saw in the backpack earlier, rushing back to where Taehyung was and taking a picture.

Jungkook and Taehyung waited in silence until the photo came out.

"I didn't actually think you'd take a picture. And what happened to your phone?" Taehyung sipped on a strawberry smoothie.

"My phone died. So I'm keeping this picture until the end of time." Jungkook walked over to the TV control and put on a movie.

"Okay, what movie did you put on?" Taehyung asked as he joined Jungkook to sit on the floor.

"One of the saddest movies ever. Train to Busan." Jungkook sighed.

"Haven't seen it." Taehyung took another sip of the smoothie.

"Shut up!" Jungkook threw a pillow at Taehyung.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"Its an amazing movie." Jungkook wiped an invisible tear from his eye.

Before the movie could play any further, a series of loud knocks were heard throughout the motel room.

"I'll get it." Jungkook got up from his spot with an annoyed grunt.

Before Jungkook could open the door, Taehyung pushed him against the wall.

"Wha-" Jungkook tried to say something before being shushed by Taehyung putting a finger against his mouth.

Taehyung pulled a gun out from the pocket of his sweatpants, before taking the safety off.

There was no peep hole, giving Taehyung no choice but to talk.

"Who is it?" Taehyung called out.

The only audible thing from the other side of the door was clicking.

Jungkook took Taehyung by the hand and ran behind the bed before a series of gunshots were shot through the door.


I hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading.

Stay happy, safe, and healthy! See you later lovely💜

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